dimanche 5 janvier 2014

What to expect in your first cycle?

Join DateDec 2012Posts49

I am currently 232lbs, 6'5, 18% BF (Top 2 abs show and some fair ab definition)

My lifts are very weak at:
242lb bench press
310lb squat
310lb deadlift
(All of these perfect form)

I am 18 years old, and I am researching steroids in case I ever use them, I am not planning to touch anything until I am over 22-23 years old. I have been lurking around for a while but I am a hug noob. If I ever touched steroids, I thought as a first cycle to do something basic like 600mg Test weekly with Var (50mg-80mg depending on quality of gear).

I was wondering a few things?

1. What can I achieve naturally until 22-23 years of age (another 4-5 years of lifting) (I have been lifting for 1 and a half years).
My goal naturally is to get to 250lbs, under 12% BF, bench 350, squat 405, deadlift 450.

2. What can I expect from an 8-12 week cycle and what would be optimal? What kind of strength gains and weight gains and body fat changes can I expect?
I was hoping, if I am 250lbs at 12% BF, 350bench, 405squat, 450dead that after 1 cycle the results would be:
12% BF->8% BF
350 Bench-> 380 Bench
405 Squat-> 440 Squat
450 dead-> 495 Dead

Is this realistic?

Also what kind of side effects can I expect from such a cycle? Other than mild acne and shutting down of testes which are both very temporary and negligible.

- Gain 30lbs natural muscle over a 4-5 year period
- Lose 12lbs Fat over a 4-5 year period
- Go from 242lb bench to 350 naturally over 4-5 years and then 350 to 380 with 1 cycle
- Go from 310lb squat to 405 naturally over 4-5 years and then 405 to 440 with 1 cycle
- Go from 310lb deadlift to 450 naturally over 4-5 years and then 450 to 495 with 1 cycle

My ultimate goal: Get to IFBB pro level.

Last edited by alexistheboss15; Today at 11:00 AM.
Join DateNov 2013Posts12
Im on first cycle now, you dont need that much Test for a first cycle, people seem to love high doses, but thats way more than you need will just cause sides..
Go for about 400mg of test (Youve not said what kind, Enth/Cyp ect?) thats more than enough to see brilliant gains first cycle IMO.
To be honest im thinking you only need test for a first cycle, also orals are very hard on the body, just stick with test for the 1st one and see how you go!
Im 6.5 weeks in, the most common things are random bouts of spots, normally on the back, nothin bad, the odd increase of hair, feeling like you could drink a whole lagoon dry, but thats about it, im not using any AI too, but if you can id advise HCG from what im hearing.
The lads will be along shortly to advise on gains ect.
Good Luck,
Join DateDec 2012Posts49
I don't know what kind of test, probably cyp to be honest. I don't mind spending money, if I do this, I am willing to spend as much as possible to do it right and safely. Not going to try to save where health is concerned.

I don't smoke, party or drink so I should have a bunch of money extra by that age.

Anyway what kind of gains can I expect? Are my goals natural and cycle realistic?

Do I need a lot of cycles to get to an IFBB Pro level? My goal body is something like this:
What to expect in your first cycle?-c.jpgWhat to expect in your first cycle?-c.jpg

Last edited by alexistheboss15; Today at 11:22 AM.
Join DateNov 2013Posts12
Im enjoying CYP, only thing is it takes a long time to fully kick of coarse, i think ill hit prop next time, not a fan of orals at all, My first try of Dbol i took liver support, drank gallons of water ect, but it gave me crippling headaches knocked it off after less than a week, of coarse everyone will react different though, If money is no object, id consider Test Cyp/Enth at about 400MG per week, split into at least 2 doses, with A good AI (Will let others advise) HCG , and a Good PCT, DAA and Other Natural testy boosters might help you recover faster once your off the cycle, ill let you know when i get to it as i have lots in the drawer ive not bothered with.
Join DateDec 2012Posts49
My research with Var showed that it is very mild on the liver if taken correctly, but that the myth that it doesn't shut you down is fake. and that it shuts you down just as fast as any other gear.

As to details on what AIs and PCT to use, I have no idea.

I am 4-5 years away from the cycle and haven't even decided if I will.
Also I don't even have access to any...

Not quite sure how to know if a source is reliable, I don't like the idea of buying something which I don't know what it is.

Join DateNov 2013Posts12
Its milder on the liver if i was to take an Oral it would be Var myself actually, but not without effects as you said.
Im too inexperienced to advise on AI/PCT for you, that's why i said wait for one of the lads to come along.
If you look online there are a few ways to test products, one of the best things id do is find a possible source, ask there brand (Just say some make you ill) and then have a research online, but beware some people do get paid to promote on forums, i try ask local people that know the source
Join DateDec 2012Posts49
yea it's tough to find out what gear is legit.

I mean I live in UK where its legal to use and buy, but illegal to sell.
So talk here of buying is ok.

Scotland has the best labs I think, wait we aren't allowed to say names are we? Either way theres this 1 lab I heard has the best Var.

I wish you could buy from pharmacies...

Join DateNov 2013Posts12
Im from the UK too buddy, i will be honest i found it easy to find gear, but very hard to find real gear, mine now comes from Thailand, via a family member, Thailand, Arabia, Russia, places like that seem to have the best kinds so im finding/hearing, anything really close to home im finding to be fake, not saying all, just what im finding!
Join DateDec 2012Posts49
really? I thought it would be the opposite.
I mean I am sure quite a few guys are trying to fake gear here, but I thought exotic gear would be the worst. I really don't trust countries like Thailand etc... Maybe I am a tad racist haha.
Are there any guides on how to find good sources?
Meh either way I have a long time.
Join DateFeb 2005Locationny/floridaPosts3,970
If your 18 and 6'5 then yes it's possible to put on 30lbs of muscle on in 4-5 yrs. that's only w proper nutrition. And at that point you'd be puttin up much more than 350 on ur bench.

That's not to say its goin to be easy. 30lbs of muscle is a lot. So take this time to learn how ur body reacts to different macro split and amounts. Once u get it spot on u can gain some nice lean mass.

On a 6'5 frame if u put on 10lbs of muscle on cycle that would be successful IMO. You'd prob put on 30lbs but if 10 of it was muscle that would be good.

Again most of it will be determine of ur execution on diet, training and rest.

Join DateDec 2012Posts49
to be honest... This has been my progression:
30% Fat, 210lbs so thats 147lbs LBM and 63lbs Fat

3months of cardio (first cut)

11% Fat, 163lbs so thats 145lbs LBM and 18lbs Fat

Bulk for 1 year straight:
213lbs at 15% BF, 181lbs LBM and 32lbs Fat

Switch program and up the diet adding loads of dirty foods for 4 months:
232lbs at 18% BF, 190lbs LBM, 42lbs Fat

I put on too much fat, I will now bulk more carefully until march, I will bulk to 243lbs and then cut down to around 220 aiming for below 12% BF for summer and then bulk again.

I am adding LBM pretty fast following this routine:


Back Squats
Chin-ups (shoulder width grip)
Bench press
Seated rows (wide grip, pull bar to pecs)
Leg curls
Concentration curls (alternate between arms with no/minimal rest)
Rope pressdowns
Standing calf raises
Overhead Press


Pull-ups (wide grip)
Dips (parallel or V bar)
Chest-supported dumbbell rows (let elbows flare away from body)
Leg extensions
Incline dumbbell curls
Overhead extensions
Seated calf raises
Side lateral raises (dumbbell or cable)

What I do is alternate workout, 7 days a week, it lasts for about 60minutes if done correctly and intensely.
It works like this, each exercise I choose a 10 rep range failure, do 9-11 reps to failure, then proceed to do 7 sets of 3 reps with as little break as possible. The breaks get bigger obviously as I get more tired, the first break being just a few seconds while the last break is more around 45seconds.

This seems to work for me.

Join DateFeb 2005Locationny/floridaPosts3,970
Looks like a good plan when ur first starting out cause your hitting all ur muscle groups. But eventually u will need to isolate more to get growth. So pick two muscle groups per day.

Day 1 chest/tri
2. Back/bi
3 rest
5 rest
6 shoulders/traps
7 repeat

That way u can do more sets per muscle group in that hr. Also make sure u have rest days.

Join DateFeb 2005Locationny/floridaPosts3,970
And I'm pretty sure dude in second pic is mike o'hearn. He claims to be a natural bb but dude is a complete monster so who knows.

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Test Prop Pin EoD Question

Buy SteroidsJoin DateApr 2009LocationVallejo, CaPosts141

Hello, i am planning a 8-10 wk Test prop cycle soon and i was just curios how to pin eod .

A) Mon Wed Fri Sun Tues Thurs Sat Mon and so on - This would make more sense to me to keep blood levels stable as long as you have enough gear right?
B) Mon Wed Fri Mon Wed Fri and so on- I don't understand why people would skip sat sun and drop blood levels but i noticed people pinning like this.

What are ya'll opinions? I would think to use method A.

Join DateSep 2001LocationWest Palm BeachPosts32,600
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Join DateApr 2009LocationVallejo, CaPosts141Join DateAug 2013Posts1,005
Doesn't really matter. Just get it in ya on a regular basis.
Join DateFeb 2011LocationUSAPosts78
Ive gone Mon, Wed and Fri and never noticed any drop by skipping Sat and Sun.
Join DateAug 2013Posts1,005
Ive gone Mon, Wed and Fri and never noticed any drop by skipping Sat and Sun.Makes it simple when you just take the weekend off.

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Hitting nerves often

Where are you pinning? I am fairly new to all of this and on my first cycle but the glutes are easier to pin than most injection sites because it is practically all muscle back there in the upper outer quadrant. I haven't decided on this cycle if I will try any other spots or just go back and forth between the left/right glute. If you are pinning your quads and delts, it would seem to me that the outer quadrants of both will pose the least amount of risk hitting a nerve of any sort.

If you don't already know, don't tense the muscle you are pinning, stay relaxed, and per my other thread, a hot shower before hand works wonders for me. On the glutes anyways. I can't speak for any other spots but simply provide some theories based on what I have heard.

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Finaflex Stim 8 Questions. Never felt this in a pre-workout...INSANE!!

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I recently bought Finaflex Stim 8 after being recommended to it. I must say it is the most powerful pre-workout I have ever experienced and believe me I've tried and used quite a few. Now im curious if anyone else has tried it. Reason being because when I take it (1 Scoop) I feel like I just took 80mcg of Clen . My heart rate goes through the roof and I feel exactly how I feel if I took Clen. So Im wondering if anyone else feel this way??

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I'm waiting on Balkan 10mg dbol if it's legit is it decent gear?

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I guess my new years res. is to stop lifting

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I "irritated" my ulnar nerve in my left elbow over a year ago working tri's- went to the ortho. did physical therapy and got an MRI. Nothing was torn just some inflammation of the nerve. I thought it was getting better as the "popping" feeling when doing presses went away. It would always get a little sore after chest/tri's but nothing too bad. Well friday I worked shoulders and my elbow was sore to the touch all weekend but I didnt pay too much attention to it. Today I wake up and look in the mirror and my elbow is huge. There is quite a bit of swelling and it protrudes into my forearm. Not sore to move but feels stiff. But very sore to the touch. The earliest the ortho can get me in is thursday so I have to wait to find out whats going on. I have a feeling its not going to be good and im going to be spending some time away from the weights. It just seems like one thing after another. Makes me wonder why I even bother...
Join DateDec 2012LocationThe MatrixPosts3,559
Don't think that way. Defeat yourself? Ridiculous. It could be tendonitis. I popped my left ulnar nerve in an auto accident back in '98. There is a groove its supposed to sit in at the elbow joint. Mine is no longer enslaved by that groove as a result I get to enjoy numbness in my lower forearm and last two fingers on occasion. Sometimes I get tingling sensations there. I ignore it now as best I can. It does not keep me out of the gym though.

Good luck with whatever it is causing you trouble. Hopefully its nothing that will hinder you for the rest of your life but you'll adapt if so.

Join DateFeb 2012LocationAustraliaPosts4,925
i'll stop lifting when im dead..
Join DateMay 2013Locationweathering the stormPosts2,366
dont quit bro, you may have to work around it but never quit
Join DateOct 2010Posts527
I dont want to quit and I probably never will but if my elbow cant handle it I dont know what im going to do... its just very discouraging. I guess ill see what the doc. has to say... im sure his adive will be "stop lifting for a couple months and dont lift heavy anymore". blahhhh
Join DateAug 2013Posts1,005Join DateFeb 2012LocationAustraliaPosts4,925
I dont want to quit and I probably never will but if my elbow cant handle it I dont know what im going to do... its just very discouraging. I guess ill see what the doc. has to say... im sure his adive will be "stop lifting for a couple months and dont lift heavy anymore". blahhhhsquat then...
Join DateNov 2005LocationStanding Above WeaknessPosts10,792Blog Entries2
RC has been plauged with injuries as well, but has a game plan.. check out his thread.. go to the second to last page or so and read..

All is not lost.. ever..

want to trim bodyfat percentage down.

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I need help!!! Quick

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First of all, about me.
I'm 27, 5'6", 135lbs, and 4.3% body fat. I am definitely not new to the gym, but I am to Tren .. A buddy of mine had me try one cycle (1cc every 3 days) because I kept plateauing at 135lbs and could not get over that no matter what I did because of my metabolism and being active.

I've done 3 "applications" so far. One in each tricep and one in a pectoral. My triceps were sore for a couple days afterwards, nothing serious tho. My pec on the other hand... Is very sore and noticeably bigger than the other side.. I am not taking anything other than the Tren as my not so knowledgeable buddy said "nah you won't need to do anything else for just one cycle".

And can we skip the "your an idiot" or "holy shit" comments and go straight to how I SHOULD do it, or whatever other help can be offered please? I know I was stupid to not research this...

I need some advice. Is he right, or do I need to start something ASAP? Again, I just started a week or so ago, but I've already stacked on 6 solid pounds.

Thank you

Join DateNov 2011Locationgrillin chickenPosts3,541
First of all, about me.
I'm 27, 5'6", 135lbs, and 4.3% body fat. I am definitely not new to the gym, but I am to Tren .. A buddy of mine had me try one cycle (1cc every 3 days) because I kept plateauing at 135lbs and could not get over that no matter what I did because of my metabolism and being active.

I've done 3 "applications" so far. One in each tricep and one in a pectoral. My triceps were sore for a couple days afterwards, nothing serious tho. My pec on the other hand... Is very sore and noticeably bigger than the other side.. I am not taking anything other than the Tren as my not so knowledgeable buddy said "nah you won't need to do anything else for just one cycle".

And can we skip the "your an idiot" or "holy shit" comments and go straight to how I SHOULD do it, or whatever other help can be offered please? I know I was stupid to not research this...

I need some advice. Is he right, or do I need to start something ASAP? Again, I just started a week or so ago, but I've already stacked on 6 solid pounds.

Thank you

Well the best thing you could do is stop. As this is all wrong you need food not drugs.
Sounds like you are taking Tren A. So probably 300 mg. at this point if you do no more them you will recover. As far as taking something with it, you need at least a few years of research while you eat some pounds on.
Join DateDec 2013Posts39
Well the best thing you could do is stop. As this is all wrong you need food not drugs.
Sounds like you are taking Tren A. So probably 300 mg. at this point if you do no more them you will recover. As far as taking something with it, you need at least a few years of research while you eat some pounds on.Yea its food you need not steroids at this point.
Ok. You say recover... Recover from what? What type of damage am I looking at?

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check out by B complex stash I just received

Buy SteroidsJoin DateOct 2013Posts121

Looks like I'll be ok for awhile, this stuff works wonders, for anyone who had tried orals, this is much more potent, if you have a b deficiency like I do.
Join DateJun 2012LocationDiet forumPosts1,783Blog Entries1
b complex or b 12?

do you have Crohn's disease??

Join DateOct 2013Posts121
No it's b complex, and no I don't, I've been using b complex for about 3 yrs now, originally I had an rx from the doctor bc I was a little deficient, but the results are ready good, tons of benefits, just got to get it overseas, it's very very expensive in the states. Screw that.

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Tren/epi prohormone

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Currently running a tren / epi stack... Tren 60 mgs a day and epi at 45..... Before I started my cycle my macros were 220 protein 250 carb and 60 fat with about 20 grams of fiber a day.. I was losing about a pound a week on average... Since I've started the cycle I've gained about 7 pounds in a week... Is this normal? Never ran trendione so wasn't sure... I feel dry and was just curious because I thought with tren you don't gain much unless it's highly dosed... So my final question is should I make a adjustment in my macros? Any help is greatly appreciated
Join DateMar 2013Posts378
Your strength will be going through the roof absolutely obliterating it. Be careful with injuries have a training partner/spot when going heavy even if it does not feel heavy. Just a warning
Join DateJul 2013Posts624
Get off the pro hormones if you enjoy having a liver.
Join DateMar 2004LocationPennslyvaniaPosts2,457
So your runnning tren and a prohormone :/ i dont know if thats a great idea for your lipids. idk much about epi but heard it is strong.

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first time tren E

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I have done a few sustanon 250 cycles and sus/danabol cycles but thought I would give tren E a shot . jabbing once a week and 40mg danabol ds daily. The other day just been I pinned for my 5th week and with an hour I started getting a real itchy neck Then after a couple of hours spread all over body my body also was getting in patches like small blister looking things and it was so itchy I felt like a crack head it got me concerned I thought it was all the mixed nuts I had been scoffing up but the teen was the only other suspicious things... Anyone else had or heard anything similar. I googled it but nothing
Join DateMar 2008LocationOregonPosts4,637
Have you been on Tren e for 5 weeks?
Join DateJun 2005Posts6,766
I have done a few sustanon 250 cycles and sus/danabol cycles but thought I would give tren E a shot . jabbing once a week and 40mg danabol ds daily. The other day just been I pinned for my 5th week and with an hour I started getting a real itchy neck Then after a couple of hours spread all over body my body also was getting in patches like small blister looking things and it was so itchy I felt like a crack head it got me concerned I thought it was all the mixed nuts I had been scoffing up but the teen was the only other suspicious things... Anyone else had or heard anything similar. I googled it but nothingIt sounds like an allergic reaction but why i would waited to have started now I do not know.
Is it possible its unrelated,,,maybe a food allergy??? Keep some Benadryl on hand.

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Electrolyte Deficiency

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I am looking at a top of the line electrolyte powder... GlycoFuse was recommended by a friend.
Anyone use this or have anything they recommend?
Join DateAug 2009Posts10,706
Elaborate on this electrolyte deficiency, please.
Join DateMar 2012LocationCialis, TexasPosts26,448Blog Entries1
lol, I knew Bona would sniff this thread from a mile away.


It's human nature in a "more is better" society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better. - kelkel

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Quitted TRT 7 weeks ago, getting blood work, should I keep taking arimidex?

Low TestosteroneJoin DateJan 2013Posts31

Long story short, after 9 month of self-TRT who didn't seems to really improve symptoms despite perfect bloodwork, I decided to quit. I had test level of 350-450 before starting, but a lot of symptoms similar to low test. Pretty much every plants/product who lowered prolactin cured my symptoms by 85% pre TRT, but I alway stopped taking them because they acted like strong diuretic, making me flat and slighty dehydrated (which is a dumb way to stop, now that I think about it.)

9 month later, on trt, my symptoms are even worse (energy and libido), unless I let estrogen creep back up than I have some energy but end up with puffy nips and still weak libido(which I think comes from a raise in serotonin). those plants who uses to work don't anymore. So I decided to stop cold turkey, no pct ( gonna get chit for that) for 7-8 weeks, get blood work and see from there what should I do.

I don't really feel better since quitting TRT, but not that much worse too. thing is I seem to keep aromatizing a lot ( water retention, severe acne, puffy nipples), and arimidex seems to get that down, but do kinda make me feel like chit evertime I take it.

My question is, should I stop taking arimidex before blood work to not screw result or should I keep taking it if I see symptoms?

I'm gonna test for Test, free test, lh, fsh, e2, prolactin, thyroid.

Last edited by maelpj; Yesterday at 08:53 PM.
Join DateMar 2004LocationPennslyvaniaPosts2,457
hmm....how far apart were your injections?

also, if u were on for 9 months you are gonna need awhile before you test your shiit to get a normal reading.

And self TRT? Why would you do that? All you have to do if poke around and make more phone calls to find a willing doc. Be willing to drive and hour too, its your hormones your talking about and i dont care how long you hang on these boards, you still cant interpret bloodwork accurately. Maybe a dumb doctor couldnt eather, but if you may learn something from him. There have been times where a certain doctor wasn't smarter than me, but he knew maybe one thing i didnt. It gave me something else to factor in. You need a professional's opinion

Join DateJan 2013Posts31
actually for 2 years I went from doc to endricologist to doc, never found nobody who wanted to help. I had enough to feel like chit and wanted to try.

Was doing e4d injection.

What do you mean in gonna need awhile before you test you chit to get a normal reading? You mean to recover, or that I might still have exogenous test inside my blood who haven't yet clear out from prolonged use?

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dbol dosage

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Quick question. I have 100 10mg tablets. I wake up at noon and workout at 1:30pm. How do I split up my dose during the day for my kickstart? 20mg before workout and 10mg twice more spaced out the rest of the day? I work nights and go to bed at 4:30am. Also what about on my off days do I keep the dose at 40mg or can I drop it a bit.
Join DateNov 2011Posts766
I have spaced it out and taken it all pre. Same results both ways IMO but I enjoy the extra aggression when taken PWO. If I was you I would take it at 30mg a day an hour or so before you work out. Do that 7 days a week and that will yield a 33 day kick start.
Join DateFeb 2012LocationAustraliaPosts4,925
what dosage are you planning on running and for how long? what's the exact cycle layout? stats?
Join DateSep 2001LocationWest Palm BeachPosts32,600
yes take it 7 days a week, i never noticed any difference on the timing of my dosage
If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong
Join DateOct 2012Posts74
what dosage are you planning on running and for how long? what's the exact cycle layout? stats?500 test e 12 weeks. I'm on trt so no pct.
Not starting yet still cutting
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I spread it out thruout theday.
Join DateDec 2013Posts39
I like to take all at once 30min before I set off for the gym. I find it gives me a more explosive work out.
Join DateJan 2005LocationENGLANDPosts28,556
There are many ways to take them but just spread them out throughout the day
Join DateJun 2013Posts194
I was under impression that best way to take dbol was spread evenly throughout day.... ie 30mg = 10mg every 8hrs to keep levels consistent... but still a newbie myself.

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I am a newbie

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Hello everyone, i just signed today although i been coming here for many months, this is great place filled with helpful people
Join DateMar 2004Posts15,635
Welcome to the board! There's tons of info here to keep u busy for a while. Stick around, learn, and return the favor.
Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear - Knockout_Power

Hazard is 100% natural..... no toxins in my body..... nopers

What do I think of EQ? There's no better compound to oil up your bike chain with. If you want more info on why this is the most over-rated and useless compound in bodybuilding..... just use the search function.


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Help me with my elbow

I had a problem that started as a pain under my tricep above the elbow that started after neutral grip pull ups. when it got really bad my fingertips would go numb. It kept on for a while and I ended up taking off for about a month. Between taking off and starting to use tennis elbow straps above the elbow it healed up.. so I thought.

The same pain started again after deadlifts on the arm with the reverse grip. I'm using a elbow "brace" that tightens above and below the elbow. the area under the tricep is better now for the most part but now the pain is in the outside of the joint itself.

Supination seems to inflame it the worst and its mostly pulling exercises that hurt it. Otherwise it is just a dull pain throughout the day hurting more when I straighten it out.

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Ran across a label with brainfreeze as the brand.

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Has anyone heard or seen this before.

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