mardi 18 août 2020

Jon 'Bones' Jones relinquishes LHWT title

The Bloody Elbow is reporting that Bones tweeted he's relinquishing his light heavyweight belt to pursue heavyweight glory. In a separate article, TBE reports that Jones stated he had a "positive conversation" with the UFC about the money for the fight. Jones got butt-hurt just a couple of months ago when Dana White remarked publicly that Jones wanted has asked for "Diante Wilder" money for a heavyweight fight with Francis Ngannou, called White "a fucking liar" (guess he never heard of "hyperbole") and asked to be released from his contract. So apparently Dana has kissed his ass and made up (as I predicted). Or maybe all his lawyers' bills came due at once and he decided he had to fight.

It will be interesting who he'll get first at heavyweight. I'm thinking Rozenstruik would be a good tune-up fight, but there's more money to be made (for both Jones and White) if they go with Nganno or Blaydes. Even Derrick Lewis probably will bring more gate. Rozenstruik jumped two spots (one rung ahead of Lewis) with his win over JDS, and he did bring a much better rounded game against Dos Santos, but I still think Lewis is the better-rounded fighter. Nganno, Lewis and Rozenstruik all three hit people so hard it makes their grandchildren be born bruised, but I see Rozenstruik as the one who's least likely to put Jones in retirement.

More RX refills than pharmacy will let me get

Hey guys, my pharmacist wont allow me to refill my prescription even though ive got lots of refills according to the date that im supposed to be completely out. Ex. 4) refills for a 3mo supply betwen now amd October but they wont let me refill until September, so ill only use 1 refill. Anyone else ran into this and found a way around it? Not sure if its the pharmacy or do they all do it, using walgreens now

Tested my 5,000iu HCG

Been a few years since I've been on here.

Picked up a 10 pack of 5,000iu HCG from what is supposed to be a reputable source on a few boards.

This morning I went to the store and got a few pregnancy test kits (equate brand) and these are the results.
(2 on left tested for HCG. On the right is bac-water only for comparison.)
I expected a much darker line for the HCG, as they are very faint. Has anybody else had good HCG test so lightly as a positive?
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Fertility question

Good morning all,

For some back information I have been on my trt journey for around a year. I have still been fighting to get to a more realistic regimen. I have been through a couple doctors, endos, and on my second Urologist. In the beginning I was not advised that it would affect my fertility. I was told that it could even help. My total and free tests were both significantly low when this all started. My mental health was bad, I spent a lot of time with mental fog, dazed, confused, I gained a ton of weight, and I was depressed. I was the total poster child of low T. I've made my way from 1 shot of .5ml of 100mg/1ml test c per month to finally 50mg test C every 3.5 days. This has been over the course of a year. The last 3 months or so I have been taking 200mgs test c every 2 weeks. I was just switched to the 50mgs every 3.5 days last week. I had my uro prescribe the reusable 10 ml so that I could take it 50mgs every 3.5 days rather 200mgs every 2 weeks.

I have learned a lot from this forum. Enough that I understand the majority of doctors, even endos only know the tip of the ice berg when it comes to trt. I have learned just how wrong the first doctors were about fertility. I now know that exo test can act as a contraceptive for men so I expected my sperm count to be low but unfortunately it came back at zero. My urologist was puzzled. He advised this normally only happened with injury or vasectomy. He then confirmed that I had a child previously, I advised I did. He then asked if I had a vasectomy and I said obviously no. He then told me that they only way I could have another child was In Vitro. I advised that I couldn't afford IV but my insurance should cover treatment with HCG. He advised he did not believe HCG could restart my body making sperm. He believed it could only help if you were making sperm just not enough. I told him well I can't afford IV so I would like to try. I asked him to put my on the highest dose possible. I have read that taking around 1,000 iu of hcg per week has been successful in helping men impregnate their wife's. My question is once I start taking the hcg eod or e2ds along side my trt protocol do you think I have a shot and if so what my chances could be? I would have included a picture of the test result but was given the info over the phone. I haven't received the physical copy yet.

Thank you for your time and advice.

Cycle advise please

Hi All,
So I need some advise on my stack and if I'm doing things correctly in relation to my goal. So my current goal is to shred or cut atm and iv been doing mostly weights with cardio 2 times a week. I'm a male 35 have done a cycle before but am finding that I'm looking abot chubby in the face and don't feel I'm cutting when I look in the mirror (more noticeable in my face). I am on the following
Test e 250 ml pw
Tren e 300 ml pw
Master 500 ml pw
Primo 500 ml pw
T3 60 mg pd
So iv recently been told less is more as some of these things might be abot too much for me and could be aromatising thus causing me to look like I'm not cutting and fatter in the face. What would ppls advise be ??
Please help
Thank you all

Gyno with hgh

I am taking hgh 3 iu(5 days in a week) with my cycle of tren-a 100 mg , teat propionate 100 mg.
I am taking arimidex 1 mg every day. But still i am developing gyno.
Then i start bromicriptine to suppress prolactin levels and it works.
My concern is who is enhancing my prolactine levels.

Obs' new forum.

Its so pathetic. Even i get speachless. And he is sending others to talk me into joining.
Maaan.. Cant believe i spent so much time with this looser...
How many new threads each week... 2???

Sent fra min BLA-L29 via Tapatalk

Looking for an old training video.

Sometime about 6-10 years ago there was a video or series of videos that was posted on here. At least I think it was posted here. If I remember correctly it was either Baseline or Sgt. Hartman...maybe Marcus. One of the guys that was promoting the benefits of a HIT workout back then. Anyway. this video or video series (I think I remember it being pretty extensive) talked a lot about dropsets, rest pause, negatives, etc. The guy doing the video I believe may have been either an circa 90's bodybuilder or trainer of a 90's body builder. He may or may not have had a mustache. I feel like I remember there being a lot of purple machines (not planet fitness purple - more eggplant purple).

Does anybody have any idea what I'm talking about? It's possible I've imagined the entire thing.

lundi 17 août 2020

My body doesn't respond to roids.

I am on tren a100, propionate100, staina 50, hgh 3 iu in one week.
I am taking 220 grams proteine with 300 carbs with 75 gram fat.
But i am realising that my body is not responding to roids.
Results are only 10%.
Some one writes that if this happens the. I should stop roids cycle for two months and start again.
If it is write then please suggest me the right way.

T3 vs T4 on cycle & using HGH

I’m sure this has been asked and answered but the search function won’t let me search for “t3 vs t4”.

I’m on a cutting cycle that includes tren, mast, proviron, test, anavar & winstrol.

4 IU daily HGH and I take T3 0.5mg morning and 0.5mg evening.

I understand there could be an incremental benefit if I were to switch from T3 to T4 ... on the basis that taking T4 would result in the liver producing anabolic enzymes in the process of conversion of T4 to T3.

If such a benefit is indeed true, then what dosage of T4 would I take (now I’m taking 1.0mg T3 daily).


Add anavar to my tren cycle?

Currently on a test p/mast p/tren ace cycle.

30mg ed test prop
50mg ed mast p
50mg ed tren ace

Was wondering if anavar would be worth adding? I’ve ran it in the past but never with Tren.
It’ll be ran at at least 50mg ed.

Muscular Endurance. A How To. My cycle: Tren E + Test C

My muscular endurance went to shit. i'm so tight. what's going on? I just took (2) days off.

week / 500mg Test C
week / 400mg Tren E

What's off? i have been missing out on veggies and potassium for the last week and a half. could that have something to do with it, or is it normal? I've noticed getting recommended potassium intake really helps me personally. And i feel better when i'm eating my veggies.

Testosterone same as before cycle

I am on week 8 of
Deca 400 wk
Test sust 500 wk
Eq 500 wk

I just had testosterone results a little less than pre cycle level

Pre cycle 4.42ng/ml
On cycle 4.09ng/ml

Blood taken on 8/14
Last pin 8/12

Oestradiol results 5pg/ml (7.64-42.6)

Is my gear bunk

UFC Records: Fatest Finishes in History

While we all hate paying good money for a fight only to see it end in 15 seconds...

We all like watching 14 minutes of super fast knock outs!!

Haven't finished watching them all yet but it is a must see it my opinion.

dimanche 16 août 2020

Do you use underground anabolic steroids?

I am thinking of looking for a good source that sells here, I always bet on pharmaceutical grade AASunder ground. Is it worth just using them?Several steroids such as trenbolone, dianabol etc. are found only underground!

Throwing up a few times... I'm thinking it's the Superdrol?

I'm getting really bad heartburn lately... I've thrown up once in the middle of the night.. and once while at work.. orals i'm taking : endurabol 20mg ed, proviron 50mg ed, cialis 20mg ed, superdrol 20mg ed.. (been on the sdrol for 11 days or so) I am also running test p @ 350 / week mast p 700 / week

I stopped all orals today... I wanted to come here to ask opinions first before starting them again... (figured a day off couldn't hurt) Any advice on the heartburn? It's really bad..

Cruise without the blast?

Hello all!

I was wondering about somw of your guys experiences with running low dose Teso, for the long.

I just took my second shot. Im going to use 75mg test E, twice a week.

I have been doing a lot of reading about low T, it seems lile i have the symptoms..
The other side of it, i wanted to have more energy and bulk up at the gym.

How long have you guys run test for?

I understand that this is forever.. Im happy with this, as i have lived with the alternative for the last 10+ years.

38 now... Was probs 28 when i realized that i wasn't feeling how i wanted to.
Have been going to thw gym for around 5 - 6 years now

I have posted in a lot of TRT forums.
Everyone there has insisted its essential to get a trt dr and to get my bloods done.

TRT dr isnt really an option.. Im in Germany ( not german speaker ) i also think they will just say no...
If im honest i have wanted / been curious to get on in since i firat hit the gym.

I will get my blood work done in 3 months.. Il post results here... I have an appointment with a urologist.. Im sure they will say to stop what im doing.

Did a saliva test before my first shot.
The parameters were 10 - 230 pg/ml
I had a free test level of 68 pg/ml.


please delete

Mods, please delete; wrong forum.

Paul Joseph Watson rips Formula 1's Lewis Hamilton a new arsehole

Watson gives F1's pompous, arrogant, spineless, manscaped, overly-tattooed, facial-jewerly-wearing, entitlement-mentalitied closet queen what fer.

2020 Covid Weightloss Competition Official Thread

All contestants please post up here. This is open to anyone and is strictly based on weightloss. Buckle up and get ready for the ride.
Post your height, weight and age

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First Cycle Advice

Hi guys! New here and to anabolic steroids!

So I have been told to do 1ml test every 4 days for 1 month.
2nd month 1m Test + 1ml Tren every 4 days.
3rd month 2ml test + 1ml Tren every 4 days.
I plan on taking HCG throughout

As for PCT it is hard for me to find a definitive answer.
I'm also thinking of a test only cycle.
Any advie is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
- Murphyleeman

samedi 15 août 2020

Planning my cycle (B&C)

I’m gonna start up again soon and have been planning what I’m gonna do. I only ever liked pcom and I’m gonna place an order this week.
I’m planning to do b&c for 3 blasts. Then Pct & time off.

A little about me. I have done a few orals only when I was younger( mid 20s). Anavar, dbol/tbol... yes not good the dbol/tbol cycle for the hormones that control me (great for physique lol). but never do orals only!!!!!
About 6 months before I turned 30 I did my first proper educated cycle and got good results. Was 300mg testE/EQ for 16 weeks with anavar for the last 6 and hcg throughout. Then basically the lsast year away from the gym and lost it all! (Excuses excuses blabla).
Anyway started getting ready before the gyms opend and have been mrnodaysoff since. and now planning ahead.

Im getting my blood work done next week. It’s been a little over a year since I finished pct.
I’m thinking something like

test only - cruise - test/deca/mast - cruise - test/primo

I can get it in the following;

200mg per ml test Cypionate
200mg per ml Drostanolone Enanthate (mast)
300mg per ml Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca)

Still working it out and could use some advice. Rough idea so far.

Thinking to pin every 3 days


200mg Test C 1-10/12 weeks (466mg pw)


50mg - 100mg (116mg - 233mg pw)


200mg Test C 1-10 weeks (466mg pw)
150mg deca 1-10 weeks (350mg pw)
150mg mast 1-10 weeks (350 mg pw)


2nd (Pining 2x per week instead)
200mg Test C 1-10 weeks (400mg pw)
150mg deca 1-10 weeks (300mg pw)
150mg mast 1-10 weeks (300mg pw)


50 - 100 (116mg - 233mg pw)


200mg Test C 1-10weeks (466mg pw)
100mg primo 1-10 weeks (233mg pw)

I like the idea of jabbing every 3 days even with the long esters. I could jab the same time every 3 days for the whole time I’m on. I read a lot that keeping blood levels stable help negate any sides that might occur. What are your thoughts?

I like the idea of less is better and I don’t mind starting low. The reason I gave a option for the second cycle of pinning 2x a week is just so I don’t go over 1g total...
I would go even lower but from my research today’s standards of steroids are low. What I mean by that is 300mg of deca isn’t comparable to 300mg of pharma grade deca from the golden age. So 1g of gear is a lot but over the three stacked it’s really not a lot. (But it is a lot) lol...

Also I’ve never done deca or mast but I read the new way of thinking is always do them together. I could do test/mast as my second blast but I don’t really want it to be a cut.
How important would you say doing mast alone is? And do guys still do deca without mast?

Also I’m thinking to do anavar for 8weeks on my first “cruise” to set me up good for my main blast of test/deca/mast.
What do you think?

I’ve had this idea for a long time and I’m just reigniting the flame so to speak. And now it’s in the open I could use some experienced input.

Umbrella Labs Ostarine

So, I bought my first SARM as part of an experiment to see if I can reproduce the results of a few people who have reported a lack of shutdown by combining Clomid and Ostarine.

Yes, I know I have downplayed SARMs in the past, but then I learned and decided to experiment.

Anyhow, so I bought from Umbrella Labs. They had good reviews by and large. It is a well packaged liquid product.

This b!tch tastes, looks and smells like paint stripper. I mean that gel sh!t that you brush on then wipe off. I took a 5mg test dose and thought WTF is this??

None of the research chems I have tried are like this. I'm very reluctant to continue with this because it didn't sit to well.

Anybody have any experience or guidance on this? Like, do they ALL taste look feel like that?

Steroids and depression

I stopped using tren and deca and test about 8 months ago. I used them for far too long. I am currently suffering from sever depression. The depression started about 6 months after discontinuing steroid use. My question is can my depression be cause by this prior steroid use. Keep in mind the gap between stopping the droid use and the start of the depression. Has anyone experienced this? If so how could the roids have caused this? Please help... please do not flame me. I am going through to much already

Possible DHB Cycle?

Looking for some cycle advice. I am open all suggestions and have been considering a cycle with DHB.

I'm looking for a lean mass cycle
I have run tren in the past with not to many problems but is hard on my BP and I really would like to avoid that
Also, I'm current on TRT at 200 mg Cyp weekly

180 lbs
Currently around 12% BF

Thanks in advance.
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Streaming UFC

Whats the best place nowadays? I use to use reddit but they have been shutting down lots of spots.....Thanks.

Sterile Abcess?

So after my last injection I have a lump about a quarter in size that will not go down at all. I'm starting to think that it is a sterile abcess, seeing as they usually go away after a couple days and this hasn't changed in 4 days now. Should I wait it out a bit longer and see if my body eventually absorbs it or should I head to the doctor? Also assuming it is just a sterile abcess, is that something I could pin and drain myself? Thanks in advance guys.

Phenom pharma??

Is phenom pharma good? Sustanon 400mg blend.
Anyone tried it?

Retroactive jealousy

I was on test, deca, and dhb the last 3 months. Dropped deca a month ago. Dropped dhb 3 weeks ago and added primo. So now I’m on 250 test/ 400 primo. Not much.

Suddenly I’m getting a lot of emotional problems, mostly anger and jealousy. Things my new gf (3 months approx) told me a month ago are now making me angry. Stories about her exes, or how many boyfriends she’s had. At night I sometimes dream of getting in fights or having someone talk shit behind my back or confront me. I wake up in the middle of the night with a lot of anger or jealousy, and even depression.

I’m supposed to go to dinner with her family for the first time today and I was seriously considering telling her I want to break up because of the feelings I’m having. These were 4 am thoughts.

I searched online and saw a lot of guys have similar issues; even guys happily married for 15-20 years. I’ve never felt quite like this up until now, though I’ve had a few moments in the past. Some say it’s estrogen related, some say it’s androgen, some day it’s a disruption of seratonin.

I want to continue this cycle until the end of the month, but I also don’t want to let these paranoid thoughts really distort my reality and ruin my relationship. I usually never get jealous, or at least nothing like this.

Interested to know if you guys have dealt with this. I didn’t think primo was that strong of a steroid, and I never expected these many obsessive negative thoughts.

vendredi 14 août 2020

Seizure letter

Got my 1st Seizure letter today (Chicago CBP). I've ordered about 10 times from the same international supplier (I'm in the states). It was a small order, about $100 worth of dbol. So I'm not going to respond to the letter, I'm just going to ignore it obviously. But what do I do from here?

1.) Reship to the same address using same supplier? (likely not, right?)
2.) See if my shipper will ship to a different address and maybe even a different name?
3.) Order domestically?

Been researching this topic a little bit before I posted. People talk about my name/address being "flagged", don't know how much truth their is to this though. I really don't want to find a domestic source, but I believe ordering domestic may be safer than ordering international. The international source I've been ordering from is awesome - great service, prices, products, never had any problem with them. Shit I'd just hate to give them up.

Just like to get your thoughts/opinions


TRT on your own

Curious to know how many of you self administer your own TRT without a doc?

I’ve been with mine 5 years and he doesn’t take insurance and is expensive as hell and recently (as I shared) I tested way high and he threatened to fire ME.

I’m not due to repeat my labs for 3 weeks (anothet 150$ out of pocket, plus a follow up meeting) and I’m running on the low side in fear of being hot again and I feel like shit and am thinking “fuck it”....I can do this on my own.

I have a great baseline and history and know what milligrams I need to keep me at the levels I like.

I’m itching to start a test, deca, mast Dbol bulker but have to wait...unless I decide that I’LL DO THE FIRING, lol.

So...who runs their own TRT clinic or has any thoughts for me?! Just got another nice package in the mail and it’s burning a hole in my pocket...

FBI lawyer to plead guilty: lying to FISA court for warrant to spy on Trump campaign

And on the subject or positive news ...

Kevin Clinesmith, Corrupt FBI Attorney Who Falsified Carter Page FISA Warrant, Expected To Plead Guilty


A top FBI lawyer who fabricated evidence in a federal spy warrant against Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page is expected to plead guilty to federal charges brought by U.S. Attorney John Durham. Kevin Clinesmith, who is expected to admit to deliberately fabricating evidence in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant application, used to spy on a former campaign affiliate of President Donald Trump, was a top attorney in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) and a key agency attorney under fired former FBI Director James Comey....
(emphasis added)

The first pawn to fall in the Deep State campaign to thwart the Trump election. When that failed they tried (and still are trying) to overturn the results of the 2016 election. And with that conspiracy bearing no fruit, they are fomenting violent insurrection and fanning the flames of the coronapanic in efforts to disenchant Trump's base and undermine his re-election.

Cruise without the blast?

Hello all!

I was wondering about somw of your guys experiences with running low dose Teso, for the long.

I just took my second shot. Im going to use 75mg test E, twice a week.

I have been doing a lot of reading about low T, it seems lile i have the symptoms..
The other side of it, i wanted to have more energy and bulk up at the gym.

How long have you guys run test for?

I understand that this is forever.. Im happy with this, as i have lived with the alternative for the last 10+ years.

38 now... Was probs 28 when i realized that i wasn't feeling how i wanted to.
Have been going to thw gym for around 5 - 6 years now

I have posted in a lot of TRT forums.
Everyone there has insisted its essential to get a trt dr and to get my bloods done.

TRT dr isnt really an option.. Im in Germany ( not german speaker ) i also think they will just say no...
If im honest i have wanted / been curious to get on in since i firat hit the gym.

I will get my blood work done in 3 months.. Il post results here... I have an appointment with a urologist.. Im sure they will say to stop what im doing.

Did a saliva test before my first shot.
The parameters were 10 - 230 pg/ml
I had a free test level of 68 pg/ml.


jeudi 13 août 2020

Medical cycle for beginners


[emoji736][emoji117]whatsapp: +18016109075
[emoji736][emoji117]Instagram: rossmasez


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Blood test review

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These are my mid cycle blood results from 8 weeks into Test E 500mg 12 week cycle.
im 30 years old and bf is around 20% <been training for over 10 years

500 mg test E + anavar (week 6-12 50mg ed)
250Iu HCG (twice a week) started from week 5
no arimadex in this cycle
until now no side effects from gyno but having low sex drive maybe after starting anavar
1) does blood results seem normal and any signs of side effects ?
2)do have to add arimidex to my cycle ? last cycle i was taking arimidex and after 8 weeks of blood test " E2" was 74.1 pg-ml as for this year without arimidex "E2" is extreme high 191
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High Fatty Liver and TRT?

Asking for a friend who is severely out of shape etc. He was on TRT off and on for a few years. He struggles with major depression so he came off because he was self conscious about the size of his testes. His doctor prescribed Clomid so he's been on that for a while now but his testes are still small. (Not a big deal to most anyone but with his depression and lack of a g/f he can't handle it). Anyways, he was wanting to go back on TRT per my recommendations to help him get back in shape and "hopefully" start feeling more human. He's not obese but he is severely overweight. His primary refused to allow him to go back on Test C because his fatty liver levels were severely elevated. He doesn't have the numbers from the bloodwork. Would going back on TRT potentially cause issues with this or is his primary just over reacting?

Thanks in advance

Shoulder and MK677

Hi guy's been a while! 2 months ago I fell from the ladder painting, I'm getting tons of "honey do's" being home because of the Rona, and F'd up my shoulder. Massive inflammation, slight stretching and damage near bone and a chip out of the cartilage. I mentioned this to a friend and he said look into MK677 and truthfully I know nothing about it, been out of the game for a couple years. Any knowledge on this or advise to help with the inflammation would be great. We're trying to heal it up first to avoid cutting on it. So any advise is helpful.

thoughts on 2nd cycle?

so I'm planning to run this as my 2nd cycle.
(i did a test only cycle back in January but things didn't go as planned because of the pandemic..)

WK1-6 sust 250mg EOD
WK1 dbol 20mg ED, WK2 dbol 30mg ED, WK3 40mg ED, WK4-6 dbol 50mg ED
WK7-12 durabolin (nandrolone phenylproprionate) 100mg EOD
WK7-12 winstrol 50mg EOD
WK13-14 clenbuterol (2-7 tabs a day)

hcg throughout the whole cycle

nolvadex + clomid

Thanks in advance!

Some Advice On This Test E 400

I am running a cycle - Test E 400 (not sure if I can post the brand)

Doing .7cc Mon
.6 cc Wed

Nothing crazy - but here is the problem. Stupid me got 400 when I should of got 250....the 400 hurts so bad - painful. I am not enjoying this cycle at all - 5-7 days of pain from the injection I am walking around miserable bc I cant bend my leg, cant sit or even lift my arm.

How can I cut this to make the pain go away

I ice the spots after, take Tylenol try and rub it in doesnt matter 5-7 days the pain finally goes away.

Do I need to get some grape seed oil and cut it? Should I try heating the oil? I rather do it in 1x a week, but that was way to painful so I broke it down to 2x hoping a smaller dose would be less painful and it still is not.

My First Cycle As A Beginner

I ordered 4 x 50 mg of Deca Durabolin
1 X Test C 200 mg
1 X Dianabol 300 mg

Any advice would be appreciated, i am new don't really know even what syringe i should use. I am guessing a 23g - 1.5 inch (2.5ml)

mercredi 12 août 2020

Flomax Vs Cialis for BPH

I'm 42 and been on trt for 8 years. I've been under the watchful eye of a urologist for my PSA. For about 4-5 years I have been going back and forth in the 2-3's but mostly 2.5 and under. About 30 months ago I took a 3-month hiatus and PSA came down into the 1's but is back up to 2.47 as of yesterday. Lots of different Dr's and lots of different tests but I've stayed away from a biopsy. Dr and I dont think I have prostate cancer.

I'm having issues with urination at night. I feel like I'm burning, or can't empty, and get up a few times. I asked for Cialis and the Dr said sure. Today I was surpised when I picked up generic Flomax Tamsulosin instead of Cialis.

I need the low down on this drug. I googled it and I dont like all the side effects I'm reading about.

We're expecting our 3rd child next week, and I run a business that has exploded. I can't really add any other speed bumps my way. Let me know what you guys think.

1st Cycle Progress and Updates ( Dbol and Test E)

this is just me sharing information just in case anyone will fine this information usefull at some point. this is just 2 weeks update and i will post updates on a weekly basis right up untill the end of the PCT.

i have 6 months Weight Lifting experience and just like everyone out there i wana get big and strong. So i decided to do my 1st steroid cycle. i train 6 days a week with the 6th day being dedicated to cardio.
My cycle is as follows
1. Dbol 20mg/day ( 4 weeks) >> ( taken as 2 tablets/day, 1 around 9am and 1 around 4pm)
2. Test E 250mg/week (12 weeks) >> ( Taken as 2 shots every week, Mondays and Thursdays)
3. Liver support supplements

Week 1

for the 1st week i felt a slight change in my enegy levels, nothing to write home about, but when i woudl go to the gym i could feel that at the end of my sets i would go on, but i just stuck to my training schedule just to make sure i wasnt fulling myself. i weighed myself and i gained 4Kg, im guessing much of that is water.

Week 2
2nd week is when i felt the kick in my ass. im guessing thats from the Dbol. i purposefully added 2 to 3 kilos on my lifts to see if i could do them and walla i could lift them. like HOLLY FUCK!!!! how am i able to do this, i kept on adding weight to test how far i could go on my lifts ( doing reps of 10) and yah for my 2nd week i was amazed. Strength is there, endurance is there, the pumps also are FUCKING amazing. the back pump if the Shitiest one. When i do a deadlift or on the Rowing or skii erg the back bumps are just annoying to say the least. like FUCK!!!!

ive noticed a slight joint pain/ache on my shoulders. i guess my joints are still to catch up with the new weights. i dont do 1 Rep max lifts, thats just not my thing. i have also noticed that i sweat more during my workouts. other than that so far everything seems all well and good.

i will post updates on a weekly basis during this journey just incase some1 might find this infor usefull.

EPO (erythropoietine) for endurance

Hi guys,

Have any of you used EPO to improve your endurance in resistance sports?

If so, would you give a quick feedback of your experience?


Iodine 131

I am trying to find out if anyone here is knowledgeable on I131?
I have read up on it and talked with the Dr, but I am experiencing symptoms that are not listed.
I took the pill on Wednesday so I am at the half life today.
My skin and hair is extremely oily.
I also get night sweats like I’m on high amount of tren. I crave salt for some reason. I also have low energy levels. Peeing more than normal. Vowel movement is less than normal.
Last night I had this fucked up dream about a spider protector that had a body like a human and only came out of his house to kill.- se what I mean- really fucked up. Sort of like a tren dream.
Maybe they gave me free tren instead.. LOL
I want more I131!!!
Seriously, if anyone has experienced I131 I would like to know what they experienced.

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What's up guys

What's up guys, been awhile. Had alot of things going on in the last year, including bout to go through a divorce. Anyway, getting back at it, luckily I haven't gotten too bad out of shape, I'm hanging 240 lbs.

Help my dad out here

I've been trying to get him on TRT for awhile. My dad just turned 70 yo and is in great health. He recently had bloodwork done and went back today for the results and to go over it with the doctor. I told him to call me but he didn't until he was leaving and told me what his doctor put him on. She is starting him on " 75mgs " Test E, 1 shot a month... She wants him to take one shot a month of 75mgs for 4 months and then go back and go over how he feels. I had him go back in and he's currently waiting for her to come back out so I can speak to her on the phone about this protocol. I see this issue over and over, so many doctors are not qualified to be prescribing TRT. They know nothing about it and either give you absurd amounts weekly (200mg+) or in my dads case barely any and have you doing 1 shot a month. I'll be talking to her shortly and will update how the phone conversation goes. I wanted to make this thread for my dad so he can read everyone's thoughts on this and hear it not just from me but the whole community here on why 75mgs once a month is a terrible choice. Thank you

Saliva test results

Could someone please give somw insight into the results.

I had a reading of 68,00 pg\ml.


Should have added:
I am 38...

Low sex drive, lack of motivation, often exhausted by mid afternoon.
Have always had signs of depression.

Im at the gym 3 - 4 times a week..

I ordered some test-e. Should be here this week. Il dose 100mg a week, split into once every 3 days

2D echocardiogram results

Does someone know what this means?? I think it is something bad when it says “severely “.
Is “grossly normal”, good or bad??

Complete 2D/M-mode, color Doppler, and spectral Doppler echocardiogram
performed. The study was technically adequate. Prior exam was performed on

Interpretation Summary
Normal sinus rhythm. Since 3/3/20 LV size remains normal. Ejection fraction
has improved from 46 to 54%. Left atrium remains severely dilated. Mitral
regurgitation remains physiologic. Aortic regurgitation remains trace.
Estimated PA pressure remains approximately 20mmHg. No other significant
changes are noted.

The left ventricle is normal in size.LVED Volume indexed = 60.3 ml/m^2.
There is increased left ventricular mass with increased relative wall
thickness consistent with severe concentric hypertrophy. LV mass index =
177.3 grams/m^2. Relative wall thickness= 0.46 (nl <0.42). The left
ventricular wall motion is normal.The ejection fraction = 54.3 % by biplane
Method of Discs.

Pulmonary artery pressure is 21/7mmHg. Right atrial pressure is estimated
as 3mmHg. The IVC measures 2.0 cm. Mean pulmonary artery pressure is
estimated at 16.1 mmHg. (nl <25mmHg). Cardiac output is 6.3 l/min (nl 4-
7l/min). Cardiac index is 2.9 l/min/m^2 (nl 2.5-4.5l/min/m2).

RVDd1 = 4.5 cm. RVDd2 = 3.3 cm. The right ventricle is dilated at the base
only which may be reflect RA enlargement/TV annulus dilatation. The right
ventricular ejection fraction is normal.

The left atrium is severely dilated. Left atrial volume (bi-plane) = 56.5
ml/m2 (nl < 35ml/m2). The right atrium is mildly dilated. The interatrial
septum is intact with no evidence for an atrial septal defect.

There is mild mitral annular calcification. The mitral valve is normal in
structure and function. Physiologic mitral regurgitation is noted.

The aortic valve is trileaflet. Mild aortic valve sclerosis with preserved
opening. Trace aortic regurgitation.

The tricuspid valve is normal. Physiologic tricuspid regurgitation is

The pulmonic valve is grossly normal. Mild pulmonic valvular regurgitation.

The aortic Sinus of Valsalva is normal in size. The Aortic Sinus(es) of
Valsalva measures 3.9 cm. Indexed Aortic Sinus(es) of Valsalva are 1.7
cm/m2. (normal <=2.1cm/m2). Borderline dilated ascending aorta. The
ascending aorta measures 4.2 cm. Indexed ascending aorta is 1.9 cm/m2.
(normal <=1.9cm/m2). The pulmonary artery is not well visualized.

There is no pericardial effusion.

MMode/2D Measurements & Calculations
RVDd1(nl <4.2cm): 4.5 cm LVIDd (3.8-5.8): 5.8 cm
RVDd2(nl <3.6cm): 3.3 cm LVIDs (2.3-3.9): 4.0 cm
IVSd (0.6-1.1): 1.5 cm LVPWd (0.6-1.1): 1.4 cm

__________________________________________________ __________________________
LV mass(C)d: 389.4 grams Ao sinus diam: 3.9 cm
LV mass idx (F<96,M<116g/m2): 177.3 grams/m2 AO sinus indexed: 1.7 cm
Relative Wall Thickness: 0.46 asc Aorta Diam: 4.2 cm
asc AO indexed: 1.9 cm

__________________________________________________ __________________________
LVOT diam: 2.4 cm
LA area AP2: 28.5 cm2
LVOT area: 4.7 cm2 LA area AP4: 28.3 cm2
LA shortest length: 5.5 cm
LA VOLUME (indexed): 56.5

__________________________________________________ __________________________
EDV(MOD-bp): 132.4 ml RA area AP4: 22.8 cm2
RA length: 5.8 cm
EDV(MOD-bp) indexed: 60.3 ml/m2 RA Volume Indexed: 39.6 ml/m2
ESV(MOD-bp): 60.4 ml TAPSE(nl >=1.7cm): 2.4 cm
EF(MOD-bp): 54.3 %
SV(MOD-bp): 71.9 ml

__________________________________________________ __________________________
IVC diam adult: 2.0 cm

Time Measurements
Aortic R-R: 0.96 sec
Aortic HR: 62.8 BPM

Doppler Measurements & Calculations
MV E max vel: 58.6 cm/sec Lat Peak E' Vel: 8.4 cm/sec
MV A max vel: 73.4 cm/sec Med Peak E' Vel: 8.0 cm/sec
MV E/A: 0.80 Lateral E/e' ratio: 7.0
MV dec time: 0.19 sec Average E/e' ratio: 7.2

__________________________________________________ __________________________
LV V1 max PG: 5.0 mmHg CO(LVOT): 6.3 l/min
LV V1 mean PG: 2.6 mmHg CI(LVOT): 2.9 l/min/m2
LV V1 max: 112.0 cm/sec SV(LVOT): 99.9 ml
LV V1 mean: 74.4 cm/sec SI(LVOT): 45.5 ml/m2
LV V1 VTI: 21.4 cm
LV dP/dt: 4039 mmHg/s

__________________________________________________ __________________________
RV S'(nl>=9.5cm/sec): 14.0 cm/sec TR max vel: 211.7 cm/sec
TR max PG: 17.9 mmHg
RVSP(TR): 20.9 mmHg
RAP: 3.0 mmHg
Mean PAP: 16.1

__________________________________________________ __________________________
Mean PAP (mmHg): 16.1 mmHg

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Post radiation therapy cycle Test C & Anadrol?

Hi All. First post here. I am a 52 year old male. 5'9 145 pounds. I am currently sitting at around 8.8% body fat. I have been training my entire adult life and have completed multiple cycles of varying stacks with test and Dbol, among others starting way back in my late 20's as a Marine. My most recent cycle was completed last spring of 2019. At that point I weighed 195 and was at my strongest ever with a bench of 420lbs. I rarely quote stats for deads and squats, as my aged back only allows me to do maintenance training in these areas. To the point. I was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer of the tongue in February of 2020 and completed 35 radiation session in May. The after effects were devastating to my lean mass and fat reserves, as indicated by my current weight. My diet at the time of diagnosis was strict carnivore diet with protein supplements and the usual others of vitamins, creatine, milk thistle etc. Now I am looking at trying to regain up to 170 pounds (25 lbs) of lean mass and have acquired from my usual trusted source test c and anadrol. My question is will 200mg/ per week and 50mg daily get me to my goal with a 4 day per week routine for size addressing chest, tri's, calves Monday / Back, bi's, abs Tuesday/ shoulders, traps, calves Thursday / Legs, abs Friday. All are 4 sets of 12-15 reps utilizing a standard rest pause to fail on 4th sets. Current diet is 3200 - 3500 calories split 40 / 40 / 20 protein / carb/ fat. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

How often have any of you guys heard of someone on TRT getting their woman pregnant?

But more specifically, Getting a woman pregnant without actually cumming inside of them? What I mean exactly is getting them pregnant by only pre-cum pulling out before hand. How possible is this??

To use a lifting belt when doing machine crunches or not.

I start my ab workouts with a weighted ab machine and am starting to get up in the weights now, but was wondering if this might be hazardous to my back or risk hernia etc? Does anyone in here use a lifting belt when doing any weighted ab exercises?
The rest of my ab workout is done with body weight, higher reps, so i was only thinking of the belt when doing weighted crunches.

TN Pharma TOSTREX+ is this stuff real ? Please Help

Hi All
I have low T (ranges between 8-12nmol/L with free at about 0.18). Unfortunately I live in the UK and the NHS see this as ‘Normal’ for a male. However everything I read suggests it’s that of a 80 year old male. I had the normal symptoms. I did some cycles in my 20’s which could be responsible for this. Anyway I decided after 3 failed visits to endocrinologist to just get some myself. Only place I could fine was the dark web.

I managed to get Tostrex+ 4% from TN Pharma Trusted Nutrition..... question is can I ‘Trust’ them ? Any experience with this company and or their Tostrex product ?

I plan to go back to the doctor and get my bloods done in a few weeks to see for sure if the stuff has had an impact or not. But in the mean time I am desperate for some feedback on the products likelihood of being real or not.

Picture of the bottle below

Colonial labs

Has anybody used this lab it’s a domestic ugl

BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin & Portland just received large cache of weapons

This is an excerpt. Not an especially lengthy article and you might want to click on the headline to read the entire article.

Mike Adams: BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin, Portland just received a large cache of weapons in preparation for coordinated multi-city “TET offensive” against America

Posted by NC Scout | Aug 10, 2020

BREAKING late Sunday – We’ve just learned that Antifa terrorist groups in Austin, Texas and Portland, Oregon have received a large cache of weapons that are being handed to them in preparation for a coordinated, multi-city uprising. Dubbed the “TET Offensive” by Dave Hodges (The Commonsense Show), this planned multi-city attack looks likely to take place before the coming election, as anti-American forces now realize Joe Biden cannot win. So their new goal is to unleash so much chaos across America that elections must be suspended, allowing the Marxist media to roll out its “Trump is a dictator” narrative.

This new delivery of weapons to Antifa forces on or around August 9th has been confirmed by reliable sources. It is consistent with previous announcements by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) describing government seizures of full-auto weapons parts and illegal suppressors that were intercepted during shipment from communist China to several U.S. cities, including Detroit MI, Louisville KY, and Melbourne FL....

That article in turn references the story on the Customs & Border Protection website here:

10,800 Assault Weapons Parts Seized by CBP in Louisville

Release Date: June 26, 2020

LOUISVILLE, Ky—At the Express Consignment Operations hubs in Louisville U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers seized a shipment from China that contained over 10,000 Assault Weapons (sic) parts being smuggled into the country.

The shipment was seized on May 22. Officers inspected the item, which was arriving from Shenzhen, China, destined for a residence in Melbourne, Florida. The parcel was manifested as containing 100 Steel Pin Samples. This is a common practice of smugglers manifesting the contraband as a harmless or a legitimate commodity in hopes of eluding further examination....

This is NOT a drill, this is the real shit. Pray for peace but load more ammunition.

The idiots at CBP still think an "assault weapon" is a real thing. And the author of the first article at American Partisan doesn't know that a "battle rifle" is a thing, or that the AR isn't one.


I just did yoga for the first time in my life and I’m never doing it again. Real men don’t do yoga :) that’s for flexible skinny boys and girls. I’m not gonna sit there and look like a fucking idiot for an hour and sweat like a hog. Put way too much pressure on my already fucked shoulders. This bitch was flying through the movements like there was no tomorrow. I got up and left halfway through while muttering “fuck this shit.”