samedi 15 août 2020

Planning my cycle (B&C)

I’m gonna start up again soon and have been planning what I’m gonna do. I only ever liked pcom and I’m gonna place an order this week.
I’m planning to do b&c for 3 blasts. Then Pct & time off.

A little about me. I have done a few orals only when I was younger( mid 20s). Anavar, dbol/tbol... yes not good the dbol/tbol cycle for the hormones that control me (great for physique lol). but never do orals only!!!!!
About 6 months before I turned 30 I did my first proper educated cycle and got good results. Was 300mg testE/EQ for 16 weeks with anavar for the last 6 and hcg throughout. Then basically the lsast year away from the gym and lost it all! (Excuses excuses blabla).
Anyway started getting ready before the gyms opend and have been mrnodaysoff since. and now planning ahead.

Im getting my blood work done next week. It’s been a little over a year since I finished pct.
I’m thinking something like

test only - cruise - test/deca/mast - cruise - test/primo

I can get it in the following;

200mg per ml test Cypionate
200mg per ml Drostanolone Enanthate (mast)
300mg per ml Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca)

Still working it out and could use some advice. Rough idea so far.

Thinking to pin every 3 days


200mg Test C 1-10/12 weeks (466mg pw)


50mg - 100mg (116mg - 233mg pw)


200mg Test C 1-10 weeks (466mg pw)
150mg deca 1-10 weeks (350mg pw)
150mg mast 1-10 weeks (350 mg pw)


2nd (Pining 2x per week instead)
200mg Test C 1-10 weeks (400mg pw)
150mg deca 1-10 weeks (300mg pw)
150mg mast 1-10 weeks (300mg pw)


50 - 100 (116mg - 233mg pw)


200mg Test C 1-10weeks (466mg pw)
100mg primo 1-10 weeks (233mg pw)

I like the idea of jabbing every 3 days even with the long esters. I could jab the same time every 3 days for the whole time I’m on. I read a lot that keeping blood levels stable help negate any sides that might occur. What are your thoughts?

I like the idea of less is better and I don’t mind starting low. The reason I gave a option for the second cycle of pinning 2x a week is just so I don’t go over 1g total...
I would go even lower but from my research today’s standards of steroids are low. What I mean by that is 300mg of deca isn’t comparable to 300mg of pharma grade deca from the golden age. So 1g of gear is a lot but over the three stacked it’s really not a lot. (But it is a lot) lol...

Also I’ve never done deca or mast but I read the new way of thinking is always do them together. I could do test/mast as my second blast but I don’t really want it to be a cut.
How important would you say doing mast alone is? And do guys still do deca without mast?

Also I’m thinking to do anavar for 8weeks on my first “cruise” to set me up good for my main blast of test/deca/mast.
What do you think?

I’ve had this idea for a long time and I’m just reigniting the flame so to speak. And now it’s in the open I could use some experienced input.

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