lundi 17 août 2020

T3 vs T4 on cycle & using HGH

I’m sure this has been asked and answered but the search function won’t let me search for “t3 vs t4”.

I’m on a cutting cycle that includes tren, mast, proviron, test, anavar & winstrol.

4 IU daily HGH and I take T3 0.5mg morning and 0.5mg evening.

I understand there could be an incremental benefit if I were to switch from T3 to T4 ... on the basis that taking T4 would result in the liver producing anabolic enzymes in the process of conversion of T4 to T3.

If such a benefit is indeed true, then what dosage of T4 would I take (now I’m taking 1.0mg T3 daily).


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