mercredi 12 août 2020

2D echocardiogram results

Does someone know what this means?? I think it is something bad when it says “severely “.
Is “grossly normal”, good or bad??

Complete 2D/M-mode, color Doppler, and spectral Doppler echocardiogram
performed. The study was technically adequate. Prior exam was performed on

Interpretation Summary
Normal sinus rhythm. Since 3/3/20 LV size remains normal. Ejection fraction
has improved from 46 to 54%. Left atrium remains severely dilated. Mitral
regurgitation remains physiologic. Aortic regurgitation remains trace.
Estimated PA pressure remains approximately 20mmHg. No other significant
changes are noted.

The left ventricle is normal in size.LVED Volume indexed = 60.3 ml/m^2.
There is increased left ventricular mass with increased relative wall
thickness consistent with severe concentric hypertrophy. LV mass index =
177.3 grams/m^2. Relative wall thickness= 0.46 (nl <0.42). The left
ventricular wall motion is normal.The ejection fraction = 54.3 % by biplane
Method of Discs.

Pulmonary artery pressure is 21/7mmHg. Right atrial pressure is estimated
as 3mmHg. The IVC measures 2.0 cm. Mean pulmonary artery pressure is
estimated at 16.1 mmHg. (nl <25mmHg). Cardiac output is 6.3 l/min (nl 4-
7l/min). Cardiac index is 2.9 l/min/m^2 (nl 2.5-4.5l/min/m2).

RVDd1 = 4.5 cm. RVDd2 = 3.3 cm. The right ventricle is dilated at the base
only which may be reflect RA enlargement/TV annulus dilatation. The right
ventricular ejection fraction is normal.

The left atrium is severely dilated. Left atrial volume (bi-plane) = 56.5
ml/m2 (nl < 35ml/m2). The right atrium is mildly dilated. The interatrial
septum is intact with no evidence for an atrial septal defect.

There is mild mitral annular calcification. The mitral valve is normal in
structure and function. Physiologic mitral regurgitation is noted.

The aortic valve is trileaflet. Mild aortic valve sclerosis with preserved
opening. Trace aortic regurgitation.

The tricuspid valve is normal. Physiologic tricuspid regurgitation is

The pulmonic valve is grossly normal. Mild pulmonic valvular regurgitation.

The aortic Sinus of Valsalva is normal in size. The Aortic Sinus(es) of
Valsalva measures 3.9 cm. Indexed Aortic Sinus(es) of Valsalva are 1.7
cm/m2. (normal <=2.1cm/m2). Borderline dilated ascending aorta. The
ascending aorta measures 4.2 cm. Indexed ascending aorta is 1.9 cm/m2.
(normal <=1.9cm/m2). The pulmonary artery is not well visualized.

There is no pericardial effusion.

MMode/2D Measurements & Calculations
RVDd1(nl <4.2cm): 4.5 cm LVIDd (3.8-5.8): 5.8 cm
RVDd2(nl <3.6cm): 3.3 cm LVIDs (2.3-3.9): 4.0 cm
IVSd (0.6-1.1): 1.5 cm LVPWd (0.6-1.1): 1.4 cm

__________________________________________________ __________________________
LV mass(C)d: 389.4 grams Ao sinus diam: 3.9 cm
LV mass idx (F<96,M<116g/m2): 177.3 grams/m2 AO sinus indexed: 1.7 cm
Relative Wall Thickness: 0.46 asc Aorta Diam: 4.2 cm
asc AO indexed: 1.9 cm

__________________________________________________ __________________________
LVOT diam: 2.4 cm
LA area AP2: 28.5 cm2
LVOT area: 4.7 cm2 LA area AP4: 28.3 cm2
LA shortest length: 5.5 cm
LA VOLUME (indexed): 56.5

__________________________________________________ __________________________
EDV(MOD-bp): 132.4 ml RA area AP4: 22.8 cm2
RA length: 5.8 cm
EDV(MOD-bp) indexed: 60.3 ml/m2 RA Volume Indexed: 39.6 ml/m2
ESV(MOD-bp): 60.4 ml TAPSE(nl >=1.7cm): 2.4 cm
EF(MOD-bp): 54.3 %
SV(MOD-bp): 71.9 ml

__________________________________________________ __________________________
IVC diam adult: 2.0 cm

Time Measurements
Aortic R-R: 0.96 sec
Aortic HR: 62.8 BPM

Doppler Measurements & Calculations
MV E max vel: 58.6 cm/sec Lat Peak E' Vel: 8.4 cm/sec
MV A max vel: 73.4 cm/sec Med Peak E' Vel: 8.0 cm/sec
MV E/A: 0.80 Lateral E/e' ratio: 7.0
MV dec time: 0.19 sec Average E/e' ratio: 7.2

__________________________________________________ __________________________
LV V1 max PG: 5.0 mmHg CO(LVOT): 6.3 l/min
LV V1 mean PG: 2.6 mmHg CI(LVOT): 2.9 l/min/m2
LV V1 max: 112.0 cm/sec SV(LVOT): 99.9 ml
LV V1 mean: 74.4 cm/sec SI(LVOT): 45.5 ml/m2
LV V1 VTI: 21.4 cm
LV dP/dt: 4039 mmHg/s

__________________________________________________ __________________________
RV S'(nl>=9.5cm/sec): 14.0 cm/sec TR max vel: 211.7 cm/sec
TR max PG: 17.9 mmHg
RVSP(TR): 20.9 mmHg
RAP: 3.0 mmHg
Mean PAP: 16.1

__________________________________________________ __________________________
Mean PAP (mmHg): 16.1 mmHg

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