Good morning and Merry Christmas to everyone. I started a new cycle last Thursday and what I plan to do is post on this thread every few days or so to keep anyone who follows updated and maybe get some input or better yet give some guidance to anyone looking to juice.
A little about me. I am 26 this is my fourth cycle, I am currently 210, 12% bodyfat and 67 inches tall. The following is the cycle and the post cycle therapy that I am conducting right now. No I will not post any pictures as I have many tattoos and a professional career to protect.Test Cyp - 400mgs/wk 1-12 wk
Tren E - 300 mg week wk 1-5 400 mg/wk wk 5-10
Anadrol 50 - 50 mg/day wk 1-6I mix the tren and test in the same syringe and shoot every Monday and Thursday. I workout at nine every evening so I like to take my Anadrol at six when I eat my dinner. Now as I stated above this is my fourth cycle and what I have learned from previous cycles is this. I have ran test at 1000mgs a wk, I have used tren before and honestly love it, imho it is one of the best steroids to use if you can handle the sides. Anadrol I used when I was 20 years old all by its self with no pct
,it was my first cycle and low and behold I developed gyno. in 2010 I had the surgery and had the breast tissue removed therefore gyno isn't a huge concern to me but I still keep plenty of nolva and adex on hand while on cycle, more on that later.
I have learned a great deal about proper nutrition because I spent the first five years working out eating garbage depending on steroids and making minimal gains. Now my diet is very clean yet nutritious enough to keep making lean gains. At 210 lbs I like to eat 4500 calories a day, for my body type, my physical activity and my appetite I have found I make my best lean gains right at this amount. I believe in consuming my biggest caloric meals in the morning and pre and post workout. I eat 5 times a day starting at 8 and ending at midnight. I refuse to let my body fast, past 8 hours.
Mistakes I have made on previous cycles was a lack of education. I thought to my own arrogant young self that pct was overrated, I wanted to be big and I wanted it now, so I got my hands on some steroids and completely neglected pct. Gyno was the result in that first cycle. Second biggest error was listening to other folks and just assuming what works for them will work for me. There are many many different steroids and even more body types, what doses and steroids and nutrition and training splits work for me may not be best suited for you. Another big error was lack of patience, I expected to just take a steroid and immediately get big, the juice will not lift the weight for you, its simply another tool for the box, just like negatives and drop sets, its a means to an end, nothing more. I have been guilty of being so scared of side effects that I start pct way to early. What I have found for ME and my pct is to start two weeks after my last injection of test. I always use test as a base especially with Deca and tren, I like my willy to work and there is no better feeling than having high test. the biggest mistake I made was thinking more steroid would equal more gain. WRONG! I have made better quality gains simply through low doses and proper nutrition coupled with well thought out training sessions than when I was at 600 mgs of deca and 1000 mgs of test.
I started this current cycle at 190, I had lowered my diet to keep body fat in check and had just been doing maintenance lifting for the last 6 months as I was very busy with work and family and you could call that another mistake I made. I am not a professional bodybuilder, by definition I am a body builder but my body doesn't pay my bills, working out and getting huge and ripped is a hobby for me nothing more. if I am unable to focus and put forth 110 percent on the gym and eating I will back off to just maintaining my muscle mass and patiently wait for when there is a lull in my schedule that will allow me to use steroids and grow and give the proper amount of attention to my training. if you can't devote yourself to your body and eating and training and resting, don't use steroids, please, you'll waste your money and only get frustrated and self sabotage yourself.
Training for me is almost like chasing ass, I love it. I write out exactly what I want to do then go in to the gym and do even better. it's all mental, will it with your mind and your body will follow. there is no worse feeling than walking out of the gym knowing you could have done better. everyone has bad days. I try to lower all negativity while on cycle and put all my extra brain power into calculating, eating, scheming and preparing.
Right now my split is pretty basic:
Monday: Back and light bis
Tuesady: chest and light tris
Wednesday: legs
thursady: arms
Friday : shoulders
weekend off: maybe light cardio and abs, get a massage, recharge by going to the beach, or hanging out with friendsMy split works very well for me and here is my thought process behind it. Monday is everyone's chest day, I get ****ing pissed trying to find a bench on Monday so I made it my back day. My back is my weakest point in my physique so I also like coming off of two days of rest and really ripping back up. My arms are lacking, they are at 17.5 inches, not pumped right now and I'm wanting 18, so I take advantage of them being already pre fatigued and warmed up on back and chest day to throw in a few sets of high rep exercises to get more volume on them. Shoulders is my FAVORITE day and if you seen my body you'd clearly see that, I swear I can do squats and my shoulders grow, at the end of my week my body is drained and tired so I took my strongest body part and put it last because it doesn't need the extra attention right now. I like to train traps with back and with shoulders, the traps are a larger muscle group than most think and there arm many different angles that work them the complement my back routine or my shoulder routine, therefore I train them twice a week. I like to watch Dorian Yates on you tube before i workout, and throw in his style of HIT training every two weeks i'll take a week of pure HIT.
My strength is important to me as it fuels my ego which in turn makes my mind better suited to make an intense workout. Right now my current strength is I can rep 315 for a good steady controlled 10 reps on a flat bench, I can squat 405 one time, ass to the grass, shoulder press from seated position I can usually push the hundreds for a good 8 reps. i know that a big muscle is a strong muscle so yes many of you say leave the ego at the door focus on the muscle not the weight and i agree but i can bust muscle fibers up a lot better pushing 315 than 225, its common sense, i strive to be bigger AND stronger as the two walk hand in hand.
Well I'll get off my soapbox, I have to go fight the crowds and do some last minute Christmas shopping but I hope to hear some comments and hope this helps or at least entertains a few people.Size and strength my friends
mardi 24 décembre 2013
Anadrol50, test cyp, tren e
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