My wife is going to run a cycle of Anavar in the beginning of 2014. We want to make sure we get the proper blood work done prior so we have something to compare to afterwards. I am fairly familiar with the male tests but not so much with the female.

Her diet is on cue, weight trains 4x a week and mild cardio every day. She weighs in at 118 and is 5'3. She is 35 years old. Hard for me to say her bodyfat but she is fairly toned, not big muscular but lean muscular.

Dosing for cycle -

2.5mg Day 1 and 2
5mg day Day 3-7
10mg - Day 8-49
5mg - Day 50-54
2.5 - Day 55 and 56

She will also be taking fish oil, D3, and Nac 600mg 2x a day.

Any input is appreciated on any part of this post but the blood work is my biggest issue at this time.