lundi 14 septembre 2020

Can you continue after a break on TRT?

I’ve been dosing 125mg EOD of Sust 250 for the past 11 weeks and I’ve put on about 14 pounds of muscle mass. The passed week tho I went on holiday, I ate whatever I wanted and went to the gym only once, also I didn’t juice as I didn’t want to bring anything on the trip in case it was spotted.

Now I’m back I still feel strong but on some exercises I am noticeably weaker which is obviously frustrating. The question is, is it the lack of proper nutrition during the week or the more obvious answer that there is less test in my blood?

With that said , I would like to continue shooting but I’ve heard it can be unadvisable to start and stop on a cycle. I have clomid there for PCT also, should I just start taking that?

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