mardi 15 septembre 2020

Here we go...

6’3” 245 #
10% BF
45 years old
TRT dose of 200 mgs a week RX’d
Been on and off for 9 years or so.
Mostly test cycles, have done a few times, Deca once and some primo with my test, as well as test and mast cycles.

Coming off of being sick (some know my story) and ready to run a bulking cycle to add some thickness back to my neck, back and legs.

Just finished my first week and thought I’d post it. Slightly paranoid of deca dick but did well on a previous round and did awesome on tren except for some troubles finishing (which wasn’t the worst thing).

12 - 14 weeks depending on how I’m feeling

750 mgs test Cyp
500 mgs Deca
400 mgs Mast enth
50 mgs Proviron ED

Weeks 1-6, 20 mgs Dbol pre workout (May take it to 40 if I can finally handle it or may drop it if my stomach doesn’t come around- today seemed fine).

Am not planning on running prami or caber - am hoping the mast and the proviron will provide enough DHT and handle any estrogenic sides (I’ve done well with high estrogen historically) have also seemed to handle high prolactin levels while on 500 mgs of tren for 16 weeks.

Thoughts? Am I missing anything?

Honestly, if I swell up to much I’ll probably drop the test to 600 and the Deca to 400.

Appreciate it.


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