lundi 14 septembre 2020

Dbol and stomach issues

I’m 5 days into 20 mgs a day of Dbol and I’m getting violent cramping at night, nausea and diarrhea.

My GI system is also in a sensitive state so I’m trying to figure out if it’s my diet or the Dbol.

Anyone else struggle with either cramping, nausea or diarrhea when they’re running it?

I’m on such a low dose but it’s one I’ve never taken before and I wanted to stay slow and low. Just not sure if it’s the pills or a coincidence?

I’ve been upping my calories lately and also adding malodextrin PWO (I’ve used this carb before though with no ill effects) although not fresh out of being sick. Not sure if this is why?

Any input is appreciated. It’s bad, like fucking awful. Trying to soldier up but man, it’s awful.
I also bought a boat load of it...

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