mercredi 23 septembre 2020

Test Decanoate and Undecanoate

Thinking about buying some raws and brewing my own gear, seems very cost efficient, I've already vetted a seller, only real barrier is the production process. I'm confident I can handle it.

I like the idea of twice monthly Decanoate or once month Undecanoate, but I keep reading about Pulmonary Micro Oil Embolisms with Undecanoate, which doesn't make any sense to me... every ester is suspended in oil, wouldn't they ALL have the same risk of POME? Why do I only ever see the warning in medical literature for Test U? Is it just because you're blasting so much more oil at once or is it really something specific about the ester?

I used to use Sust which has Decanoate in it, and I used Nandralone Decanoate as well, no problems, so that seems safest obviously, but I really like the idea of only having to blast once a month and keeping stable blood levels... Any of you guys know the truth on this?

Also how often is Test D and Test U faked? Any of you guys ever brewed any up before? What were your experiences?

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