lundi 14 septembre 2020

Keep squatting 100kg for 3 - 6 months

The first time I squatted 100 kg (220 lbs) was 2 years and 3 months ago, I know this because I checked the date on the videos on my phone. Back then I wasn't running (i.e. jogging) a lot.

When lockdown hit, I kept myself sane by running 10km four days a week (i.e. 40km per week), however I wasn't doing any weightlifting other than press-up's and chin-up's.

So then when lockdown ended at the end of July and I could do benchpress, deadlift and squat again, I reduced my running to 5km four times per week (i.e. 20km per week). These past two weeks I've reduced it to 15km per week.

Last weekend I really surprised myself when I squatted 100kg, and I wasn't even wearing a belt. Squatting 100kg takes a little bit of a toll on my body, I can really feel it in my back, my hips and my legs the next day (mostly in my back). You can also hear my scream from a block or two away.

Two years ago when I first squatted 100kg, I did my usual strategy of increasing the weight each week, so I think my heaviest squat PB is something like 102.5 kg.

Being able to squat 100kg right now is a big deal for me because I'm currently running 5km three times a week, I'm currently aerobically fit. And I want to keep it like this -- I want to be simultaneously able to run and to squat heavy.

Two Sunday's in a row now I have squatted 100kg. So I've decided to set myself a goal:
Every Sunday for the next 6 months, I will squat 100kg.

I won't increase the weight for the next six months, instead my aim is that it will become easier and easier each week for me to squat 100kg. Then after 6 months I might set new goals.

I haven't done a proper AAS cycle in about 3 or 4 years, other than short spurts of Clen and Var.

What AAS cycle would you run if you were me right now? I want to remain aerobically fit and able to run, but also I want to be able to squat heavy.

I've gotten good results in the past from running Tren A 150mg EOD. I'm not saying that I'll never run that again, but I would definitely closely monitor my cholesterol and liver values (and I'd come off everything right away if values were off by too much).

I was thinking it might be good to run something like Tren A 100mg EOD + Var 50mg + low dose of Winnie. I would save Clen for PCT to try get an anti-catabolic effect from it. PCT would be 4 weeks Clomid+Nova.

I always run T at a very minimal dose for all my cycles (e.g. 80 mg/wk), as well as two or three doses per week of hCG to try keep my balls alive.

I don't need Cabergoline until I increase my Tren A to 200mg EOD. I get by just fine when my dosage is 150mg EOD. I consider Tren A 100mg EOD to be a low dose for me.

I shouldn't need any estrogen control for the cycle I've suggested.

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