jeudi 24 septembre 2020

I've got a lot of questions, and need some experienced opinions

Hey everyone, I'm new here, but been lurking for awhile.

I've learned that this stuff is specific to an individual as far as type, use and therapy by reading these boards. I haven't seen anyone like me here, so I'm posting this hoping for some input.

I've never used any gear before. I've worked out and lifted off and on all of my life. I'm 43 years old, work a physical job, and was a wrestling champion in high school.

I'm 5-11 and currently about 230lbs. About 60" around the shoulders. Biceps about 17 or so inches. Maybe a little more.

Got a bigger waistline than I want. About a 38 or so.

I'm stronger and more durable than all of the younger guys I know. But I really want to cut some body fat without going into my muscle mass.

Last time I cut down to 205 or so, I lost some muscle, and kept some darn love handles. Nothing would starve em off. I just lost muscle mass, and they stayed.

I've been wondering if a cycle or two of the right type would help me get cut decent, without losing so much muscle mass? Because I'm getting older, and its harder to put it back on.

I've known alot of guys who've used gear, and I've seen it work. I've never used it myself, so I don't know where to start, or if it'd even work in my situation.

So I came to ask

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