mercredi 23 septembre 2020

My Pre-Contest Cycle - 8 weeks out.

Hi there, new member.

I'm doing two comps back to back (a regional, and then nationals the next day).

I'm doing a similar pre contest stack and routine to the one I did for last nationals, but would appreciate some feedback on it. It's an 8 week prep.

Test E - 600mgs/wk
Tren E - 400mgs/wk
Mast P - 100mgs/3x per week
Winnie 50mgs/ED
Tbol 60mgs/ED

Adex: 0.5mg/ED
Nolva: 20mg/ED
MK-677 25mg/ED
Ephedrine + caffeine + Carnitine ED
Liver Support

6 weeks out: Adding Anavar 60mgs/ED

4 weeks out: Adding Proviron
Adding Prami

2 weeks out: Adding Halo
Adding Cialis 10mg/ED

I have diazide on hand and will use if I feel I need it.

Stopping MK 3 weeks out, Clen 3 days out, and Injectables I don't remember when I stopped last time, but am thinking 1.5 weeks out for the long esters and 3 days out for Mast.

I used EQ last time and not Tbol, but don't have EQ now and have replaced it with Tbol, if I notice water retention from it closer to the show, I'll be dropping it earlier than the other orals.

Thoughts on this? Id also love to hear how to manage the second show - I've never done 2 days in a row in terms of peaking for both but especially nationals.


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