mardi 29 septembre 2020

Nuclear labs

I got some test e and masteron e
To try out.
A good friend on another board set it up for me.
They worked great and pinned smooth.
They are a newer ugl lab.
The process from start to finish was good also.
The prices were good also.

The dbol was legit also he threw that in for a review on the source board it was at.

I have not used a ugl for about a year.

I am always skeptical to try a new lab.

Food is everything!!!

Holding water in my face

Running just 200 test c along with mast e at 300 pw. Feeling great looking great but I feel like I'm holding water in my face.

Diets in check and drinking plenty of water. Not running an ai cause didn't think I need it with that low of test and the mast.

Libido is through the roof and getting veiny and great pumps all day long.

Any advice on how to get rid of this?

HCG questions

Starting first 500mg test e cycle soon and will run 250mg hcg 2x per week throughout cycle. 3 questions:

Do i begin Hcg on week 1 alongside test? Doing test e Mon Thur, so starting hcg on Tu Fri on week 1 is fine? Or should i delay hcg a bit

Does Hcg need to be refrigerated?

When do i stop hcg? Same time as test? So i go 12 weeks test and hcg, stop test and hcg, wait 2 weeks, then pct?

Thanks all!

First ever cycle at 43. Start picture included, open to suggestions

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Alright guys. I'm 43. 5-11 and just stepped off the scale at an awful 244lbs.

I've lifted off and on for more than 25years. But I've never used any gear before. I work a physical job, and I'm stronger than any of the young bucks I work with in the gym or on the job.

But every time I go on a cut, I lose muscle and keep the love handles. So I've got a cycle of test e lined up. 400mg a week, for 8 weeks. Then clomid pct.

I just want to get some of the soft stuff off and keep my muscle mass.
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Where is Administration

Where is moderator??
It is important.


Well men.

I just finished a 14 week cycle of sustanon with some great results.

That was about three weeks ago. I think I’m starting to feel a bit weaker and not progressing as much as I was (obviously) which is frustrating.

All I have for PCT is Clomid, will this be enough to get my test levels up and how should I dose?

Testosterone blood test

So iam on trt 150 mg/w test cyp
Injecting on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening(75 mg each shot).
When is the best time to drow blood for
Total testosterone
Free testosterone

Hello eveyone!

Hi, I've been into training for roughly about 16 years. I've been a long term member of other multiple forums and have enjoyed sharing experiences, knowledge and advice with other community members.

I have been away from training full time for about 2 years and I've recently decided to get back into training and seeing how far I can push my boundaries now that I am a few years older and have a lot more experience under my belt.

Regards! :)

lundi 28 septembre 2020

Anyone know of these? Australian UGL 'Dragon 2.0"

Just wondering if anyone has encountered these in Australia? I've recently switched to these from my regular lab and am feeling as flat as the floor.

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blood work in am

I'm having blood drawn in the am....never had my estrogen checked it E2 I tell them I want checked, along with my test?

Bloods timing and frequency question

I took a cycle of aas at age 17. Huge mistake I know in hindsight and ignorant of me (but I think typical) to disregard any post that didnt support what I was going to do anyways.

I am 35 now and have a 4 or 5 cycles "under my belt" now. My question is as follows:

When is the best time to take bloods to determine if I am in need of trt.

I ran a cycle as recently as a few months ago and have been taking nolva (because my clomid was fake - not sure if I can mention the source so I wont) for about 3 weeks.

When can I be sure that my bloods will "test true" regarding my hormone levels? I am concerned that my hormone levels will not be an accurate reflection of my hormone status unless the timing is right with regard to the exogenous substances I have put in my body.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any suggestions/guidance.

Where is Administration ??

Where is moderator??
I'ts important.

Forget muscle -- maximize fat burning? Full 1mo+ fast?

Hey guys,

I'll do the reading/research, but if somebody could just point me in the right direction (ie what to look up) that would be great.

Is there something I can do to maximize fat burn? I am literally considering a 1month+ total fast (with proper nutrient support via supps), before I go down to a more typical 600-700 cal deficit. I already take plenty of Adderall -- which from what i have read is far better than an ECA stack.

Long story short I don't care about preserve lean muscle mass at the moment. Some things happened and i basically gained 100lb of fat over 9mo. My skin is being stretched and i need to cut as fast as possible w/ minimal long-term damage to prevent long-term loose skin. I will get back into muscle building when i am down at least 50lb.

Any resources you suggest would be appreciated? If you know any legit medical practicioners who offer paid consulting services I'm down to pay for that as well. I realize i have a lot to learn/research to do whichever route i end up going. Oh and I am 27 yrs old.


Adding my post from later in this thread for more context:

So I will elaborate. Yea i recognize that it's just calories in calories out. I have been 9% BF before, with solid amount of muscle.

Long story short I had depression issues for the past 9mo and during this time I just ate myself away w/ no gym -- this will never happen again. I'm not making excuses, I did this to myself and i'll pay the price. But what I am trying to get accross is that my situation isn't the typical fatty asking for a "shortcut and to lose weight and have it happen as quickly as possible". The consistency and lifestyle changes that need to come with first-time losers aren't relevant to me.

I know i will get back to 10% BF w/ a regular 500cal deficit. I am extremely worried about my lose skin and this is why i'm looking for alternative methods. If there's 3.5k cal in a pound. for me to lose 100lb (which would only be ~20% BF), this would take 22 months! I will not accept that.

I realize that my squats increase test, and generally lifting might accelerate fat loss -- I'm back to lifting/exercising 5-6 days a week but this won't cut this down enough.

In terms of the long-term fast -- yeah this will hvae to be closely monitored. I'll be getting bloodwork done throughout and taking special nutrients/supplements. One of the things i need to do more studying on is the long term effects post doing a 1mo+ fast -- there is some evidence from a study in the '60's that it permanently reducuses your BMR, well beyond the fasting period. Unfortunatley most modern fasting studies don't assess BMR 1year+ after the fast. This would give me reason to consider alternatives (ie a proper cut)... TBD. But this fasting idea is a pretty niche topic and I don't expect to find the most up to date info on an anabolic forum (for good reason).

ANd yeah i've done keto and IF.

Regarding spreading out small meals throughout the day -- I thought this was bro science? That the only thing that matters is consistency: your body will adapt and use and save calories/carbs for when they are needed.

Thanks for reading guys i appreciate it.

New Blood Work, E2 problems


I need some advice, please.

Just got my new blood test results, after 6 weeks on 180mg/weekly TEST E and 90mg Deca/weekly (front loaded 180mg for two weeks), I am at TOTAL T 969.05 ng/dl (from 297 ng/dl now.

Since I live in a country where doctors/labs don't differ between a standard and sensitive E2 test I am a bit in the unknown about my correct E2 levels.

I did in AUG before starting my TRT a standard test, reuslt: 80pg/ml and I am not at 105 pg/ml. (Does anybody have an idea how this could be maybe approx. be translated in E2 numbers?)

Right on beginning and let's say 2 to 3 weeks in my TRT I felt my libido sky rocketing (finally again), but now it feels like my libido went down again.

I am on an AI Arimidex and taking it diliuted in a vodka solution, daily 1-2 drops.

Any input is appreciated.

Maybe i crushed my E2 ?

First of all, please don't flame to me. I'm new in the world of steroids.

Three weeks ago I started my first cycle of Testo Enanth (175mg Testo x2 times a week =350 Testo enanth per week). I did a blood test before starting.

The first week of testo injections went really good, i felt very well.

In the second week of the cycle i took 250ui of HCG and 0.5 mg anastrozole both on Tuesday and Wednesday. I know, my bad, i was scared of high estrogen and i maybe paid my inexperience.

From Wednesday of the second week of the cycle I'm feeling really really bad. In particular, I'm very sleepy, tired all day long (but in the evening I'm better) and with brain fogs, inable to do mental tasks. Is it possible that i crushed my estrogen ? If yes what can I do ? Please don't be dramatic :(

dimanche 27 septembre 2020

Stacking these compounds first half of cycle

Using test 250, Deca, Eq and Anadrol 50 for first half of bulking cycle, has anyone else played with these compounds together? I’m also doing 4iu of gh daily....goes basically like this 1000mg of test 500 mg of Deca, 500 mg of eq weekly 4iu of gh and 100 mg of Anadrol daily...the cycle replaces Deca with Tren @ 500 mg at weeks 9 through 16 also switching to Dbol part way obviously the orals are for shorter durations..would love to know if someone has worked these compounds together previously
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Any supplements to enhance libido / orgasm / sperm volume?

Hey everyone, was curious if there's any sort of OTC (possibly) to enhance sex drive? I haven't had much of one for a couple of decades, and despite getting blood work done that says I have no hormonal or other issues (I have a few threads on this already), I'm at a loss. At most, Dr's typically just give me viagra which doesn't help my situation, so wondering what else I could do?

How long can you run tren for?

I have ran tren ace a coulple times for probably no more than 6-7 weeks. I handle it very well with no negative side effects. I ran between 300-400mg per week.

I’m planning on adding it to my next cycle and this time I will be using tren e. I was going to up the dose to 500-600mg per week and was looking to run it for an extended period of time.

How long can you safely run tren enanthate for? And why is tren considered to be so harsh on your body in comparison to running deca or high levels of test? And not that I ever drink, but why is tren the only injectable steroid that any alcohol consumption is strongly advised against? And last question.. when I run 400-600mg a week of deca, about 6-7 weeks in my nipples get very sore and sensitive, can I expect this with higher doses of tren as well?

Insulin needle for tren

Hi Guys

I am going to start my Tren cycle.
Because I use Tren A, I need to inject eod.
Can I use insulin needle for Tren injection?
if yes, which site is best for injection?

Congrats to Mr and Mrs Hafthor Bjornsson....

Their baby was born yesterday. 7.8 lbs. and ~20.4" long

HCG questions

Starting first 500mg test e cycle soon and will run 250mg hcg 2x per week throughout cycle. 3 questions:

Do i begin Hcg on week 1 alongside test? Doing test e Mon Thur, so starting hcg on Tu Fri on week 1 is fine? Or should i delay hcg a bit

Does Hcg need to be refrigerated?

When do i stop hcg? Same time as test? So i go 12 weeks test and hcg, stop test and hcg, wait 2 weeks, then pct?

Thanks all!

Hi guys

Hi I'm Dan, here to try and figure some stuff out.. I' more in the right forum page.. but just wanted to say hi 🙌

samedi 26 septembre 2020

reccomendations please

Im going to be 62 next month, and am in pretty good shape respectivley, i have done a few cycles in my time ... im going to do test cyp tren and masteron,,, any recs on how much per week ? im trying to avoid more than 1 poke a week and have never done masteron. i want to put on a bit of size but really want to harden up and lean out i appreciate any input thx !

Penultimate (best) PCT Guaranteed

I ran nolvadex per usual recommendations for 4 weeks. At the same time I started 2 weeks before the end of my cycle a DNA plasmid I created which expresses a myostatin propeptide aka a true myostatin inhibitor.

I maintained nearly all my gains (aside from what I believe was mainly water weight), gained strength, and lost 35 pounds over the course of 2 months. I ran the myostatin inhibitor for 8 weeks total.

I will soon do a full post with results once I find out the right place to post it.

Question before a blast

So been cruising for awhile blood tests r good except
Hct is 54.4
Hb and rbc r high but on range
Plt r good middle range even less

Next blood donation is in a month (oct 24)
Should i wait and donate or start blasting?
Need experts advice here;)

Stopping cycle question

hello everyone, first time posting on here but followed forever.

I recently began a test prop, tren ace, mast cycle 100 mg/eod

Long embarrassing story short...

Did 2 and a half weeks worth of shots everything was going well. Injected into right glute and the next day everything was rock hard and warm. Went to urgent care and they said maybe infection but couldn't tell if it was abscess.

Went to ER because I had a spike in fever. They said it's an abscess but couldn't drain because it was hard and that antibiotics should clear it up. My blood pressure was 157/100 in the ER, 141/99 in urgent care.

I've decided to stop my cycle for a number of reasons. My 2 questions are...

Do I still need to do a PCT with how short I was on? I have HCG caber and arimidex on hand.

Will my blood pressure go back down or should I see a doc? I think part of it may be that I was freaking the fuck out in the urgent care and doctor... so should I attempt any specific supps to aid me?

Please no flaming I'm just here asking for help and answers thank you in advance.

Bloods timing and frequency question

I took a cycle of aas at age 17. Huge mistake I know in hindsight and ignorant of me (but I think typical) to disregard any post that didnt support what I was going to do anyways.

I am 35 now and have a 4 or 5 cycles "under my belt" now. My question is as follows:

When is the best time to take bloods to determine if I am in need of trt.

I ran a cycle as recently as a few months ago and have been taking nolva (because my clomid was fake - not sure if I can mention the source so I wont) for about 3 weeks.

When can I be sure that my bloods will "test true" regarding my hormone levels? I am concerned that my hormone levels will not be an accurate reflection of my hormone status unless the timing is right with regard to the exogenous substances I have put in my body.

Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any suggestions/guidance.

To live per day to improve

Hello everyone,

My name is Casey and I am a 34 year old male located in Houston TX. I started going on these forums at age 15. I was a member of anabolicfreakz for a long while along with the usual hushmail contacts back in the day.

I started lifting at age 16. First cycle (mistakenly) at 17. I have ran 4 cycles in my life, along with one cycle (soon to be 2) of a plasmid DNA expressing a myostatin-propeptide (myostatin inhibitor) for an 8 week cycle. I am currently 5'11 and 160 lb. Body fat % I am unsure of and will not even speculate on it.

I work for a biotech company where we do molecular biology. I enjoy reading science articles (have read over 1000), playing soccer (played since I was 5), playing FIFA soccer on ps4 (soon to be ps5) and lifting 3+ days a week.

I look forward to my first thread (soon as I am capable per permissions) regarding my most recent myostatin inhibitor cycle.

If you desire more information or have any questions please feel free to hit me up.

Thank you for reading and God bless you.

Warm regards,


my past AAS experience was nearly 2 decades ago

i'm now in my 40's and on TRT

i'm doing a little cycle now with some UGL stuff, but it kinda weirds me out

i would prefer pharmaceutically manufactured, seems like now most do UGL instead

generally speaking, is pharmaceutical stuff still out there?

vendredi 25 septembre 2020

First Thread: MUST READ for knowledge lovers

Man I basically grew up on these forums mainly as a reader but also as a poster back in the anabolicfreakz days.

These forums helped me grow mentally, physically and emotionally.

I've always been interested in science, have read over 1000 articles and still want more knowledge.

One of the primary barriers to me learning unbiased information was limited access to scientific n medical journals and articles. For this reason I wanted to share with you a little "secret":

-Get the doi or name of virtually any article of interest

-search google for "where is scihub?"

-follow link to scihub and enter doi or article name

-click button

-enjoy open access to virtually unlimited knowledge

Who do you like, Israel Adesanya -vs- Paulo Costa? (UFC 253)

The bookies have Izzy about an 8-to-5 favorite. Costa has dynamite in both hands but I don't see that the five opponents he's faced since coming to the UFC have prepared him for the likes of Izzy. Or even showed that he's ready for this fight. Of course he's got the "puncher's chance" but Adesanya is slippery like Anderson Silva, hard man to hit.

�� Smile


I always wondered if using sarms on trt between cycles would not let the receptors rest enough to get full effects of the steroids later.

Does anyone else use sarms like
Lgd or yk11 on trt between there runs???

Is it worth the taking or full rest is better???

Food is everything!!!

Test suspention

So as my thread says...I'm going to start a short run of test suspension. Probably between 4 to 8 weeks. I'm not sensitive to test I've used prop and cyp in the past with next to no sides.i was just wondering how everyone here shoots this? What size pin? Are guys using slin pins morons?? I'm thinking every day shots before the gym shot im. Chest and delts. Any advice or interesting stories are welcome.

3rd cycle(tren cycle)-need caber or not?

Hi Guys!

I am a male with 35y/180cm/90Kg/15%bf.
I am not sure if I need to add caber and what is correct dosage.
So I need some advise on my cycle.

- Week 1 to 8: Tren A 150 mg every 3.5 days (300mg/week total)
- Week 1 to 8: Test E 300 mg every 3.5 days (600mg/week total)
- Week 1 to 8: hCG 250 iu every 3.5 days (500 iu/week total)
- Week 1 to 10: Arimidex 0.25mg every other day (From day 2 up until PCT starts)

- Week 11 to 12 Clomid 75 Nolvadex 40(Daily)
- Week 11 to 12 Clomid 50 Nolvadex 20(Daily)

Any advie is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,

jeudi 24 septembre 2020


resting on cycle

i sometimes take a week off when my shoulder hurts particularly bad or i'm especially busy with a work project

i often feel like i grow more during this off week than i do while training

does anyone do this during a cycle?

First Injectable Cycle Question for the men from a female.....

Hi everyone,

Already posted in the ladies section but it is pretty quiet over there.

Getting ready to step things up. I have ran an oral winni cycle (happy with results) and oral anavar (not the results I wanted) and have decided on injectables for my 3rd cycle.

I am looking at either Masteron or EQ. I wanted to try Primo but my source is unable to get it for me so the closest option, I think, would be the Mast or EQ because the esters are similar. Is there something else better?

Just wondering if anyone could share their experiences or thoughts? Along with dosages and duration. I've been reading 50mg per week running from 4 to 10 weeks. I understand this is an individual thing just looking for some more info so I can make an informed decision.

My goal is strength increases and muscle gains. I'm on a bulk right now and my diet is dialed in.

Advance thanks all, much appreciated.

Loosing 20% of oil Test-E Injections

My injection process consist of using 3 ml syringe with 19 gauge filter needle to pull 1 ml of Test-e from an ampule (250 mg/ml). Then, replace 19 gauge needle with 23 gauge needle for injection. I've been doing this for 4 weeks now, and I'm noticing that the syringe does not fill up to 1 ml. It's closer to 0.8 ml. This means I am doing 400 mg of Test-e per week, rather than 500 mg.

1) My question is, am I loosing 20% of oil when pulling Test-e from amp inside the 19 gauge filter needle?

2) Should I try and pull using the a 23 gauge needle? Not even sure if oil will fill up syringe with needle that small.

3) Should I try and dose 3 amps per week (instead of 2) to combat Test-e loss? Which comes out to 0.8 * 750 mg = 600 mg/week of Test-e.

Does anyone else have these issues? Shoot me your thoughts

Hello my beuatiful people

Just wanted to say hello from the heartland USA. I look forward to becoming a part of this community. Had this account for a while but never really posted anything, just lurked. Getting back on the gear in my late 30's after about 10 years off. Looking forward to share my journey with you all. :hello:

Tb500 and Bcp157

I have inquired a shoulder injury at work from pushing screws over head threw 16 gauge metal. It felt fine at work but 8 hours of over extended and awkward use I have a flared delt and rotator cup. It has made my arm tingle and lose strength.

I have obtained some Tb500 and Bcp157 to help along with a electric pulse machine. The peps should be here tomorrow.

I will be taking

2mg m w f
And the
2mg every day.

This is what I was recommended for fast healing.

Should be starting tomorrow, and this machine has already helped out big time with the tingles.

Food is everything!!!

The New guy

What's up. i just got out the pen for things unrelated to this site. I lost a lot of muscle among other things and i need to get it back. Some one in there recommended this site to me. So here i am. I really don't know shit. But hopefully after a couple weeks of reading this site I'll be right where i went to be

I've got a lot of questions, and need some experienced opinions

Hey everyone, I'm new here, but been lurking for awhile.

I've learned that this stuff is specific to an individual as far as type, use and therapy by reading these boards. I haven't seen anyone like me here, so I'm posting this hoping for some input.

I've never used any gear before. I've worked out and lifted off and on all of my life. I'm 43 years old, work a physical job, and was a wrestling champion in high school.

I'm 5-11 and currently about 230lbs. About 60" around the shoulders. Biceps about 17 or so inches. Maybe a little more.

Got a bigger waistline than I want. About a 38 or so.

I'm stronger and more durable than all of the younger guys I know. But I really want to cut some body fat without going into my muscle mass.

Last time I cut down to 205 or so, I lost some muscle, and kept some darn love handles. Nothing would starve em off. I just lost muscle mass, and they stayed.

I've been wondering if a cycle or two of the right type would help me get cut decent, without losing so much muscle mass? Because I'm getting older, and its harder to put it back on.

I've known alot of guys who've used gear, and I've seen it work. I've never used it myself, so I don't know where to start, or if it'd even work in my situation.

So I came to ask

Overtraining or Not Enough Carbs? (Just Starting Back Up)

So, just getting back into a workout routine after a layoff for years (long story). I had been an NASM personal trainer for over a decade, so I know the deal as far as a routine, nutrition, etc. However, here is my current dilemma...

I am currently around 18% bodyfat, which for what I was used to, is horrid. My first priority is to get my bodyfat % down. So, I'm carb cycling. Two weeks in though and I am feeling run down, dreading my workouts, and other over-training symptoms. Only thing that isn't typical of when I'd over-train is my appetite is through the roof.

I am thinking it might just be my carbs being too low? I'm not sure the best way to handle getting back into a routine. I want to keep carb cycling to get my bodyfat down first, but thinking maybe I need just a bit more carbs? I'm going to take the next workout or two off, up my carbs for these next couple days some, and see how I feel. I just feel it's difficult because my body is starving for carbs since it wants to bulk up my muscles, yet at the same time, my priority is getting this bodyfat lower.

I always had an easy time bulking. It was cutting (getting below 8%) that was a challenge for me. If anyone has any other suggestions to get back into this more efficiently than what I covered above, I'm all ears. It's freaking rough...

New to the forum

Looking to learn and grow.

Do you really burn fat while in a cycle?

I mean like burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time during a regular test cycle. I ask because I'm at 19% bf right now and I'm just soo frustrated that I haven't been able to get rid of this abdominal fat that keeps ruining my plans. Do not preach because I've been reading about steroids for years. I'm not a total newbie even if I haven't start my first one ever.

Just wondering how bad it'll be for me to start the cycle now or if I'm actually going to burn a bit during the actual phase. Perhaps the fact will stay the same?

How fast roids increase your libido?

Does your libido goes up as soon as you get the first shot or it simply takes a whole to be noticed? Thanks in advance.

mercredi 23 septembre 2020

The power of propionate

Propionate will always feel much stronger then slower eater and you will get more of the mg per ml.
And a eod pinning will always give you better results.
Same as sustanon.
I always thought m w f would be enough but after pinning eod I noticed I got more out of the cycle. Felt more intense.

There are a number of different esters of testosterone, including the commonly prescribed injectables of testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate, as well others such as acetate, propionate, phenylpropionate, isocaproate, caproate, decanoate, and undecanoate. Each of these different esters is a molecular chain composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. The main difference between the different esters is how many carbon and hydrogen atoms make up the chain. For example, the propionate ester is composed of 3 carbons, 6 hydrogens, and 2 oxygens, whereas the cypionate ester is composed of 8 carbons, 14 hydrogens, and 2 oxygens.

Esterification of testosterone is done in order to improve the solubility of testosterone in oil, which in turn slows the release of the testosterone from the site where it enters the body.

Testosterone, in its free, non-esterified form, has poor solubility in either oil or water-- though it can be suspended in water. Non-esterified testosterone is available in an aqueous injectable form with the drug name "Aquaviron." However, this form of testosterone stays active in the body for a very short period of time (only a matter of hours). Because of this, it must be injected on a daily basis in order to maintain a continuous level of testosterone in the blood. Therefore it is rarely used for testosterone replacement therapy as an injectable.

Once you have added an ester group to testosterone, it becomes even less soluble in water and more soluble in oil. Additionally, as a general rule, the more carbon atoms there are in an ester, the more soluble the ester is in oil. For example, testosterone propionate (with 3 carbon atoms in the ester group) is less soluble in oil than testosterone cypionate (with 8 carbon atoms in the ester group). Remember, this is general, simplified rule; the solubility of a molecule depends on structural factors that are beyond the scope of this section.

So generally, the more carbons the ester group has, the more soluble in oil it becomes, and the less soluble in water. The term for this ratio between oil and water solubility is called the "partition coefficient"-- the higher the solubility in oil, the higher the partition coefficient.

The partition coefficient of the ester in question is important because it effects how long the drug itself stays in the system. If the testosterone transfers too quickly from the oil to the blood, the result is a sudden spike in testosterone which then rapidly drops once the dose has been used up. In the example of free testosterone injected into the body from a water suspension (as in Aquiviron, mentioned above), the testosterone is essentially immediately available to the bloodstream due to its low partition coefficient, and thus there is an immediate spike of testosterone which is used up quickly in the body.

Testosterone cypionate, on the other hand, has a high partition coefficient. When injected into the body, the drug remains in its esterified form in a deposit in the muscle tissue or fat tissue, depending on the type of injection. From there, it will slowly enter the circulation as it is picked up in small quantities by the blood. Once the esterified testosterone is brought into the blood stream, "esterase enzymes" cleave off the ester chain in a process known as "hydrolization," thus leaving the testosterone in its free form to perform its various actions and effects.

When people speak of whether a particular testosterone ester is "fast acting" or "slow acting," they are usually referring to the partition coefficient/solubility in oil. As described above, esters with more carbon atoms will generally be more soluble in oil-- they are often referred to as "slow-acting" esters (they stay active in the system longer). Esters that are less soluble in oil are often referred to as "fast-acting" forms of testosterone, referring to the fact that they are more quickly available and used up in the blood stream.

For trans men who are using injectable testosterone, slow-acting esters tend to be preferred, as fewer injections are needed over time to keep the blood levels of T reasonably constant. Testosterone enanthate (7 carbons) and testosterone cypionate (8 carbons) both take about 8-10 days to be fully released in the system, and so they are typically injected once every 7-14 days. Testosterone propionate (3 carbons) takes about 3-4 days to be fully released in the system, and must be injected in smaller doses at least weekly if not twice weekly. For this reason it is not often prescribed for men in transition.

Food is everything!!!

Austria gone facist

Food is everything!!!

Test Decanoate and Undecanoate

Thinking about buying some raws and brewing my own gear, seems very cost efficient, I've already vetted a seller, only real barrier is the production process. I'm confident I can handle it.

I like the idea of twice monthly Decanoate or once month Undecanoate, but I keep reading about Pulmonary Micro Oil Embolisms with Undecanoate, which doesn't make any sense to me... every ester is suspended in oil, wouldn't they ALL have the same risk of POME? Why do I only ever see the warning in medical literature for Test U? Is it just because you're blasting so much more oil at once or is it really something specific about the ester?

I used to use Sust which has Decanoate in it, and I used Nandralone Decanoate as well, no problems, so that seems safest obviously, but I really like the idea of only having to blast once a month and keeping stable blood levels... Any of you guys know the truth on this?

Also how often is Test D and Test U faked? Any of you guys ever brewed any up before? What were your experiences?

First cycle, 4 weeks in bloods review. Advice needed

Hey guys,

So I’m 30. 92kg not sure on body fat but I’d say around 15%. Been working out for a few years.

I recently started my first cycle, 250mg SUS250 E3D. I’m 4 weeks and have got my bloods done.

I want to get people opinions of the results, I have some Arimidex which I haven’t started to take, I was thinking of starting with .25mg each injection day for 2 weeks then getting bloods done again. I also have HCG which I was thinking of doing 250units each injection day.

So far I have no signs of gyno, mood hasn’t changed much and sex drive is normal. However I want to get that E2 level down a bit before I do get signs. I have become a little puffy which I’m putting down to water weight.

Thanks for the advice in advance.
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My Pre-Contest Cycle - 8 weeks out.

Hi there, new member.

I'm doing two comps back to back (a regional, and then nationals the next day).

I'm doing a similar pre contest stack and routine to the one I did for last nationals, but would appreciate some feedback on it. It's an 8 week prep.

Test E - 600mgs/wk
Tren E - 400mgs/wk
Mast P - 100mgs/3x per week
Winnie 50mgs/ED
Tbol 60mgs/ED

Adex: 0.5mg/ED
Nolva: 20mg/ED
MK-677 25mg/ED
Ephedrine + caffeine + Carnitine ED
Liver Support

6 weeks out: Adding Anavar 60mgs/ED

4 weeks out: Adding Proviron
Adding Prami

2 weeks out: Adding Halo
Adding Cialis 10mg/ED

I have diazide on hand and will use if I feel I need it.

Stopping MK 3 weeks out, Clen 3 days out, and Injectables I don't remember when I stopped last time, but am thinking 1.5 weeks out for the long esters and 3 days out for Mast.

I used EQ last time and not Tbol, but don't have EQ now and have replaced it with Tbol, if I notice water retention from it closer to the show, I'll be dropping it earlier than the other orals.

Thoughts on this? Id also love to hear how to manage the second show - I've never done 2 days in a row in terms of peaking for both but especially nationals.


Help. Wife has low libido and pain during sex. BW posted

As title states wife has low libido and pain during sex. I’m no expert on female hormones so I figured I’d post it. Any and all help is very appreciated, thanks. I’m not sure as to why there’s no reference range.
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Foodie narrates cooking video with prose reminiscent of prayer ... and it's magical

This reminds me of the bumper sticker, "Commit senseless acts of beauty." An amazing talent and an utterly random act of art.

Sorry, since it's Twitter, I can't link to the video itself but James Wood's Tweet is here. 1 minute long

samedi 19 septembre 2020

experimental stacks

im a 43 year old male currently running 200mg/week test cyp TRT with a little 400mg/week deca stack

been doing this for a month now

i like keeping things simple and relatively low dose

i also like only adding one compound to my TRT test so i can evaluate its effect

any thoughts on what i should try next?

was thinking of mast or winstrol

anybody else do this? adding only one compound at time to their TRT?

First Cycle Advice,,, Test E only

Hello Everyone
Male 28
Weight- 68kg
Training Experience- 4 years

I plan new cycle Test E only

1-8 week Test E (250mg Every week)
Estrogen Support - tamoxifen 20mg/day or anastrozole 0.5mg/day
Lipid Stabil 3caps/day
Fish oil 4g/day

Please tell me is it correct or any changes ?

vendredi 18 septembre 2020

2/3rds of Millennials & Gen-Zers don't know what the Holocaust was

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

-- George Santayana, Reason in Common Sense

Almost two-thirds of millennials, Gen Z don’t know that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, survey finds

Almost two-thirds of millennials and Gen Zers don’t know that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, and almost half can’t name a single concentration camp, an alarming new survey on Holocaust knowledge has found.

The survey demonstrated wide gaps in younger American’s knowledge of the genocide while also showing a concerning 15% of millennials and Gen Zers thought holding neo-Nazi views was acceptable.

“How much of that is based on genuine understanding of neo-Nazis principles and how much is based on ignorance is hard to tell. Either of them is very disturbing,” said Gideon Taylor, president of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, which commissioned the survey.

“If people can’t name Auschwitz … that’s something that’s deeply concerning. I don’t think there is any greater symbol of man’s depravity in recent history than Auschwitz,” he added.

The survey is the fifth in a series that looks at people’s knowledge of Holocaust history worldwide as well as education around the genocide.

The survey of 1,000 18- to 39-year-olds in all 50 states also provided the first state-by-state breakdown of Holocaust knowledge in the U.S. In New York, for example, which ranked among the bottom 10 states in an analysis of Holocaust knowledge, nearly 20% of millennials and Gen Zers incorrectly believe that Jews caused the Holocaust.

That sort of denial and distortion around the causes of the Holocaust “is a form of anti-Semitism,” said Gretchen Skidmore, the director of education initiatives for the Levine Family Institute for Holocaust Education at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

The results come amid a rise in anti-Semitic incidents around the U.S. in recent years. The Anti-Defamation League said in May that it had recorded an all-time high of anti-Semitic incidents in 2019 since it tracking of such events began in 1979.

Another concerning finding in the Claims Conference survey: Almost half of respondents had seen social media posts denying or distorting facts about the Holocaust, and more than half said they had seen Nazi symbols in their community or online.

Taylor said these results demonstrate how the internet “has given a voice to and amplified Holocaust denial in a way that was unimaginable just a few years ago.”...


41 225 5’9” not lean roughly 25% BF inconsistently training over past 13 years.

Itching on HRT

Greetings guys. I haven't been here in a while, but am looking for any input. I went through a few years of bodybuilding with great results and no issues when I was in my 20s-30s. Now that I am in my 40s, I had decided to to just do basic HRT. I've been on 3 different programs with Test Cyp, and I find myself having random severe itching with my current program. I know its the Cyp solution because after 2 weeks of start, the itching begins, and after quitting for 2 weeks, it goes away. The itching gets worse when I work out. My doctor says it may be the carrier oil, but isn't sure. Here some things to consider about my hormone history.

Bodybuilding program: 6 years of cycles with Test E and rotating things like Winny and Tren. No considerable issues.

1st HRT program 3 years ago: Tes Cyp 200mgs a week (carrier oil unknown at this point). No issues

2nd HRT program 2 years ago: Test Cyp 200mgs a week "GS oil" (grapeseed oil?). Random severe itching

3rd HRT program and current: Test Cyp 200mgs a week "sesame seed oil'. Random severe itching.

I would like to know if anyone else has gone through something like this, and if they happen to pinpoint the issue and rectify it.

Rate this cycle

150 mgs a week of test prop
500 mgs of Injectable L-Carnitine
2.5 mgs per ml of injectable oxandralone a few times a week
HCG when on cycle (not sure about the doses still looking into this)
Also looking into tb500 and bcp157
This is for informational purposes. If one were to take these things it would be for a medical condition under doctors supervision.

Remarkable Life Situations up on YouTube/DailyMotion

I find this one quite remarkable. . . There was a family of five: Mam, Dad and three children. The three children died. Then Mam and Dad had triplets:

Can anyone think of any other mad shit up on public videos sites?

Any hardcore Ecto's cycle Test before? What were results?

If you're just gonna say "ectos, mesos, endos don't exist" save it for somewhere else.

For those of you like me, who have lifted and eaten like joey chestnut for years and are still skinny, despite getting strong af, have you done some cycles, and what were the results? I feel like we are clearly insensitive to Test, so my guess is a cycle for us wouldn't do nearly as much as one for someone who gains muscle easily. Is that what happened with you?

Need advice for my second cycle please

Stats 37yo male
Training 17 years consistently
5'10" 190lbs 15% bf

Just considering my second cycle. I've just finished my first ever cycle of test e 400mg wk for 13weeks. Trained consistently throughout cycle diet was approx 400cal surplus. Not too impressed by the results. Up 10lbs, bf% is higher now. Was actually looking at my pics 170lbs a few months before cycle and tbh I looked much better at 12%. So I'll be adjusting my diet over next 3 months. Then I want to jump back on a cycle again for the Summer (New Zealand). Here is a list of what I can get my hands on locally. I want to maximise muscle gains (who doesn't) and not just do what I did last time which was eat in a surplus and end up looking soft. Want to keep the cycle relatively simple and I don't think I'm ready for Tren yet. At 400mgs /wk of test I feel I should have upped it to at least 600 or 700mg of test a week as I know I can handle the estrogen sides. My bloodwork showed the test was definitely legit. I had no estrogen issues (although e2 was definitely elevated!) and didn't end up using my AI (exemestane). I'm on propecia and to be honest my hair feels thicker now! No shedding at all.

Can I get some opinions on what could be a good second cycle for me? I would prefer not to have to wait up to 5 - 6 weeks before I start noticing anything. I would also prefer to limit the pinning to twice a week. EOD pinning is not something I want to do.

Here is what I can get my hands on...

Test e
Test p
Tren a
Masterone P

Thanks guys.

jeudi 17 septembre 2020

Seized LETTER! use same address or NOT?

Hi everyone,

I received a letter from customs (Chicago) a few days ago. It was for 3 vial of sust 250 International. My question and my concerns are about the flagged address. I always get domestic and never had a problem. You may ask why I did international since I have a domestics. Well, one of the sites that I have does domestic and international. I did a couple domestic with them without of problem but for the last 2 month maybe 3, they have a lots of items out of stock so I decided to go international with them for the first time and of course they got caught.

Some of you guys may have more experience than me in this case. like I say, this is my first letter and it makes nervous and for some moments I feel some paranoia too, to the point that I feel I should stop buying this products.

My question is what happen if I order more to the same address but this time domestic would I have problems?. Is the address flagged by customs?

I've been doing this for a few years that I would not like to quit, just cuz a letter that from what I know a lots of guys got this letters in the past. By the way I don't have any other address that I can use. I thought about a P.O Box but I don't really like the idea of using my real name and I heard that if I use a different name there is a chance that the usps will return the package cuz the name wont be register in that P.O box. It is not like using your own address not matter what name you are using.

I will appreciate if some one can help me and clear some of my concerns.

Recommendations on "Staple" Supplements for General Bodybuilding?

Been out of the loop for a few years. I know most supplements (outside steroids themselves) are trash. I was wondering if there are any supplements out there within reasonable price range that seem worthwhile these days to the point where you'd consider them a "staple" for bodybuilders?

Currently, my only supplements are:
1) Multi-vitamin
2) Flax oil
3) Clen (cutting up obviously)
4) Taurine (just for the clen)

That's it. Back in the day when I hit it hard, I did cycles here and there, but other than that, ZMA is the only thing I can think of, and never really noticed any difference taking it back then. Wondering if there's anything nowadays any of you strongly suggest?

Thank you

Funny, this place puts a smile on my face. I’m told my time is limited by a monitor. Saying thanks to those to have exchanged posts with me. Talk to the monitor, there is an offer on the table. Hope to see you.

ravenous hunger on cycle

i'm four weeks into a 400mg/week little deca blast to my 200/mg week test cyp TRT protocol

i've been eating everything in sight past few days. i cant get enough food. everything tastes freaking awesome too

i usually stay around 2500/day with a pretty even macro split. but been pushing 4000/day with a carb heavier macro profile

i did a few cycles in the past with very little results. no weight gain, no strength increase

first was sustenon 250/week for 10 weeks

second was 250/week test E with 200/week deca for 12 weeks

these were both pre TRT days and i always thought that these cycles were too light on weekly total mgs

now that i've been on TRT for four months and started this deca addition for the past month, i'm hoping this one will be different

is my recent hunger increase a sign that it is different? that i'm growing?

What is a champion made of in your opinion?

What is a champion made of in your opinion?

COVID-19 is a shit!

Holy shit, my mom and brother have covid-19. First it was my mother who had symptoms, she had a swab and it was positive, then it was my brother and it was also positive, both had symptoms, headache, shortness of breath, taste ... The 14 days of social isolation are going well , I feared that something worse could happen to a family member. But thank God they are fine. And the company I work for also asked me to stay 14 days away from activities, I ran a test for covid-19 (swab) on Monday, I will have to wait a period of 3-7 days to find out if I have the virus or not, maybe I'm asymptomatic and resistant to the virus because I did the quick test and it was negative for covid-19.

I'm crazy not being able to go to work and train in the gym.: icon_roll

Take Caber with Nolvadex

Hi all,

I'm running:
  • Test & Deca
  • 10mg Nolvadex ED
  • 0.25mg Arimidex EOD

Can I take Caber while running Nolvadex? I've heard something about taking Caber and Nolvadex eliminate each other :scratch:


Advice about my B-hole!!!

That got your attention, didn't it. Haha

So I've got my first colonoscopy/EGD this coming Monday and I start my prep on Saturday. I've heard some literal horror stories about the prep and the resulting consequences placed on the ol butthole after sitting on the shitter and wiping your ass 4,000 times for 2 days straight. Any advice you guys can throw my way would be appreciated. I know we've got some old timers here they may had a few already or maybe a few of you get some hemorrhoids from time to time. What can I do to protect my delicate backdoor?

I've got some wet wipes. One old lady I work with ( yeah it was a weird conversation) said to get some quilted northern (apparently it's the softest) and start applying prep H from the get go instead of waiting til it gets bad. This makes pharmalogical sense so I'll probably do that. I'll probably avoid the Habaneros for a few days. Haha Any other tips? Thanks

Hey Hey

Hi everyone , its a pleasure to join y'all and share my futur journey with my brothers. I've been looking for a forum like this so i can feel more comfortable knowing that i can get help and knowledge from others with more experiences than me!

Thanks again and lets get this new journey started!!

*Pardon my english in case i made some mistakes , im french trying my best to get better in english :) :)

mercredi 16 septembre 2020

Is Dbol really that bad for those who start a cycle with a not so lean physique?

I ask because I'm about to start my first cycle ever and I should be around 20% of bf.

This is it:

Test C twice a week for 12 weeks at least. Each those it will be 250-300 mg. I am just thinking in adding Dianabol during the first four.

I don't have a solid muscle base but I'm not too skinny neither. I've been working out since like 2013.

Clen doesn't seem to work on me

I have tried four different brands from different sources already and that thing doesn't do anything to me. I don't even feel the typical symptoms aside of a few mild cramps one time I used it. Why is this? I'm a coffee lover if that helps.

Thought they had potential

Didn’t taste as good as I hoped for, but not bad.
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Hi everyoe. I am new...

... and willing to start my first cycle ever in October. Thanks y'all in advance.

What are the best current movies to watch?

What are the best current movies to watch?:icon_roll


I can already read a lot in English, I'm only having trouble with pronouncements.


Trenbolone we can say that there is no conversion to DNH because it is a hormone derived from Nandrolone, so we can say that it is already DHN in itself ... takes the place of DHT on the same receiver.Then it can happen Tren-Dick !

Adding DHT-derived steroids is a good way to fill the DHT that is low in the receptor. I think this is the best way to deal with the lack of sexual desire, at least that's what some guys around here said a while ago time.

We are together bro!:hello:

High BP and difficulty breathing during PCT?

Hey guys!

Done with a cycle of Test P 150/ EOD 10 weeks.
OXY 20mg daily 4 first weeks.
Adex added from second week do to me being dumb at 0,25 - 0,50 daily depending
on gyno feeling spikes.
Cycle went great! Never been happier and did several PBs - all in all, very happy!

Nearly 2 weeks ago I finished.
After reading around on different studies, I came to the conclusion to do PCT:
- 50mg Clomid ED first week
- 40mg Nolva ED first week
- Aromasin 12,5mg ED first week
- Ostarine 25mg ED first week
- Cardarine 20mg ED first week
(All I could get)

Remaining weeks have the same, except Nolva drops to 20mg ED.

Felt good first week, beginning of second week was decent and now POW - Horrible.
It literally came in one day.
Was working out, felt I had to stop because I couldn't breath properly.
Drove home and had to stop driving because my head was spinning.
Found a clinic and I had 166/77 in BP.

The days after now I have dropped the Sarms, but continued the rest.
Feeling tired, chest is heavy around the lungs (like a pressure on both sides), libido crashed, but can get hard with some work.
Cum is not as it should be.

I got some of the test results today:
- ALT (Liver) was 99 with the range of 0-45 = bad.
- Full CBC all good, so no blood letting.
- Urine analysis good.
- TSH and CRP high sensitivity are normal.
- Creatinine just over reference (high protein diet).
- No bacteria in Urine.
- E2, Total Test and Prolactin (Please see attached)

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Waiting for a full analysis of liver and hormones currently.
Eating Milk Thistle now to try help the liver.
Current BP is 141/57

Any idea what can be causing the high BP and heavy chest?
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Quick 4 week cycle

100kg, 15%bf, 7 previous cycles, mainly many years ago and 10-16 weeks. (one 8 months ago).
Since coming off my last cycle early in the year I have plateaued, pretty much sticking at the same weights I finished my cycle on. (slightly down on benches only).
I had intended to do another 10 week Dbol/Test E/Mast E/Anavar cycle from December, but since work has been slow I just heard I have to take 4 weeks leave starting in 2 weeks.
With nothing much else to do for this 4 weeks I was thinking off hitting the gym hard and slipping in a quick 4 week cycle with
Anadrol week 1-2
Test P weeks 1-4
Mast P weeks 1-4
Anavar weeks 2-4
I know most cycles go for 8 weeks minimum but do you think it is worth giving it a quick 4 week blast with slightly higher doses than my longer term cycles, to try to bust my plateau, while still leaving me able to do my planned 10 week cycle in another 3 months?

Do you think gains will mainly disappear after a short cycle with fast acting esters?
I have HCG, Nolvadex, Arimadex on hand already)

mardi 15 septembre 2020

Here we go...

6’3” 245 #
10% BF
45 years old
TRT dose of 200 mgs a week RX’d
Been on and off for 9 years or so.
Mostly test cycles, have done a few times, Deca once and some primo with my test, as well as test and mast cycles.

Coming off of being sick (some know my story) and ready to run a bulking cycle to add some thickness back to my neck, back and legs.

Just finished my first week and thought I’d post it. Slightly paranoid of deca dick but did well on a previous round and did awesome on tren except for some troubles finishing (which wasn’t the worst thing).

12 - 14 weeks depending on how I’m feeling

750 mgs test Cyp
500 mgs Deca
400 mgs Mast enth
50 mgs Proviron ED

Weeks 1-6, 20 mgs Dbol pre workout (May take it to 40 if I can finally handle it or may drop it if my stomach doesn’t come around- today seemed fine).

Am not planning on running prami or caber - am hoping the mast and the proviron will provide enough DHT and handle any estrogenic sides (I’ve done well with high estrogen historically) have also seemed to handle high prolactin levels while on 500 mgs of tren for 16 weeks.

Thoughts? Am I missing anything?

Honestly, if I swell up to much I’ll probably drop the test to 600 and the Deca to 400.

Appreciate it.


NPP vs DECA - Huge Differences, why?

Hey Guys,

So I've used Deca for 15+ years and always had nice results. I got into NPP the last 3 years and found WOW, huge results, very fast on low dosages. But even when you consider the ester half life difference I can only seem to tolerate around 150MG a week max of NPP and DECA I can go much higher. My results also seem comparable on 120MG of NPP to 300MG+ of DECA. I get gyno past 150mg of NPP a week split into 3 doses. Deca I could handle 400mg+ no issue.

What are others results with NPP vs DECA?

Adding deca to TRT and avoiding detection

Hello -- I'm on TRT (100mg/week) and would really like to try adding low-dose deca to help with joints (and if I got some added muscle that would be great too). I tried to convince my doctor to put me on deca but no dice. My doctor practically dumped me just for asking about it. So I decided to try this on my own. I was thinking of adding an equal dose of deca, or maybe a little less, depending on how it goes.

I don't want this to show up on my labs, so I am curious to know how long I should stop deca before a lab in order for it everything to look the same as it does just being on TRT. I don't have a huge amount of knowledge about this so apologies if this is a stupid question....any advice is appreciated.

lundi 14 septembre 2020

Where is Administration ??

Where is moderator??
It is important.

4 weeks of caradine and LGD?

First run on SARM's, so think I'll go 4 weeks to test the water. 20mg of Caradine and 10mg of LGD. How long does it take for the sarms to kick in?

If the results are good, then I might go another 2 weeks or so.

Keep squatting 100kg for 3 - 6 months

The first time I squatted 100 kg (220 lbs) was 2 years and 3 months ago, I know this because I checked the date on the videos on my phone. Back then I wasn't running (i.e. jogging) a lot.

When lockdown hit, I kept myself sane by running 10km four days a week (i.e. 40km per week), however I wasn't doing any weightlifting other than press-up's and chin-up's.

So then when lockdown ended at the end of July and I could do benchpress, deadlift and squat again, I reduced my running to 5km four times per week (i.e. 20km per week). These past two weeks I've reduced it to 15km per week.

Last weekend I really surprised myself when I squatted 100kg, and I wasn't even wearing a belt. Squatting 100kg takes a little bit of a toll on my body, I can really feel it in my back, my hips and my legs the next day (mostly in my back). You can also hear my scream from a block or two away.

Two years ago when I first squatted 100kg, I did my usual strategy of increasing the weight each week, so I think my heaviest squat PB is something like 102.5 kg.

Being able to squat 100kg right now is a big deal for me because I'm currently running 5km three times a week, I'm currently aerobically fit. And I want to keep it like this -- I want to be simultaneously able to run and to squat heavy.

Two Sunday's in a row now I have squatted 100kg. So I've decided to set myself a goal:
Every Sunday for the next 6 months, I will squat 100kg.

I won't increase the weight for the next six months, instead my aim is that it will become easier and easier each week for me to squat 100kg. Then after 6 months I might set new goals.

I haven't done a proper AAS cycle in about 3 or 4 years, other than short spurts of Clen and Var.

What AAS cycle would you run if you were me right now? I want to remain aerobically fit and able to run, but also I want to be able to squat heavy.

I've gotten good results in the past from running Tren A 150mg EOD. I'm not saying that I'll never run that again, but I would definitely closely monitor my cholesterol and liver values (and I'd come off everything right away if values were off by too much).

I was thinking it might be good to run something like Tren A 100mg EOD + Var 50mg + low dose of Winnie. I would save Clen for PCT to try get an anti-catabolic effect from it. PCT would be 4 weeks Clomid+Nova.

I always run T at a very minimal dose for all my cycles (e.g. 80 mg/wk), as well as two or three doses per week of hCG to try keep my balls alive.

I don't need Cabergoline until I increase my Tren A to 200mg EOD. I get by just fine when my dosage is 150mg EOD. I consider Tren A 100mg EOD to be a low dose for me.

I shouldn't need any estrogen control for the cycle I've suggested.

New member

Just introducing myself

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Testosterone Enanthate "Kick-in" and side effect timeline

I have questions regarding Test-E "Kick-in" timeline.
say cycle of 500 MG/Week for total of 12 weeks.

1. The first two weeks (Week 1 & Week 2) there will be no improvement since the test hasn't kicked in? I'm talking about The supraphysiological state that you burn more fat (while on deficit) and build more muscle (while on surplus) than on natural state.

2. If so, when i plan to bulk, i should eat at maintenance and wait till the start of week 3 then start increase calories to really optimizing gains? Is it a waste if i started eating surplus right from week 1 since the test hasn't kicked in yet?

3. Regarding the suppression of natural hormone while on steroid. Is testosterone suppress your natural hormone production from very first pin (Week 1) but the effect hasn't kicked in yet ! I'm confused

4. If so, taking Dbol to kick-start from Day1 will be more wise choice? since your natural hormone is suppressed from very first day anyways?

Thanks and sorry if they all sound newbie questions

Different sized vials

Me and another guys are brewing and I was just curious if anyone has every seen 50-100ml vials. We are trying to stand out and offer a good price. Are 50ml vials something people would be interested in? Or do y’all think it’s over kill? Looking for opinions. TIA.

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Can you continue after a break on TRT?

I’ve been dosing 125mg EOD of Sust 250 for the past 11 weeks and I’ve put on about 14 pounds of muscle mass. The passed week tho I went on holiday, I ate whatever I wanted and went to the gym only once, also I didn’t juice as I didn’t want to bring anything on the trip in case it was spotted.

Now I’m back I still feel strong but on some exercises I am noticeably weaker which is obviously frustrating. The question is, is it the lack of proper nutrition during the week or the more obvious answer that there is less test in my blood?

With that said , I would like to continue shooting but I’ve heard it can be unadvisable to start and stop on a cycle. I have clomid there for PCT also, should I just start taking that?

Dbol and stomach issues

I’m 5 days into 20 mgs a day of Dbol and I’m getting violent cramping at night, nausea and diarrhea.

My GI system is also in a sensitive state so I’m trying to figure out if it’s my diet or the Dbol.

Anyone else struggle with either cramping, nausea or diarrhea when they’re running it?

I’m on such a low dose but it’s one I’ve never taken before and I wanted to stay slow and low. Just not sure if it’s the pills or a coincidence?

I’ve been upping my calories lately and also adding malodextrin PWO (I’ve used this carb before though with no ill effects) although not fresh out of being sick. Not sure if this is why?

Any input is appreciated. It’s bad, like fucking awful. Trying to soldier up but man, it’s awful.
I also bought a boat load of it...

dimanche 13 septembre 2020

Clenbuterol - Energy in Morning, Exhaustion in Evening? This Normal?

When I take the clen, within an hour or so, it has me super-stimulated. Like I drank too much coffee. A bit anxious, but bearable. Lasts like 3-4hrs or so before I start to feel normal again. However, later on into the early evening, it has me completely exhausted. I used to have a hard time getting to bed on time for work (mild insomnia issues). Now, I am ready to go to sleep like three hours before I actually need to.

To add, I am cutting up as well. So, thinking I might be exhausted because I'm not taking in enough carbs (I'm carb cycling). However, I'm hesitant to up my carbs, as I just started getting back into a workout routine again and as such have already upped my food intake quite a bit as is. I would imagine if this is an issue with too few carbs, since I am tracking my bodyfat %, I would notice it in a decrease in muscle mass, right?

Anyone else experience this? If so, how were your results from the clen cycle? I am assuming it is just my body reacting to the over-stimulation from the clen by winding me down later on.

Where To Find Prescription Meds Without Prescription???

Long story short, I used to take an anti-depressant, Celexa. I don't have health insurance anymore and can't afford a doctor's visit to get the stuff (clinics aren't an option in my area).

Just basically looking for a reputable overseas medication company that doesn't require prescriptions. If anyone knows of any, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Cuts her own hand off for insurance payout

Is The Glycemic Index Over-Rated???

What do you guys feel about the glycemic index of foods? When the whole GI hype happened years back, I felt it was ridiculously over-hyped, mainly because of protein and fat slowing down the digestion of the carbs anyway. All the research was completely ignoring that and just focusing purely on the carbohydrates by themselves.

I would like to think most of us know enough to always consume a modest amount of protein with each meal. With that in mind, I never really saw any solid research showing how much of an impact it makes in an actual diet when other factors like that are considered.

Has anyone seen any solid research showing that it will really make a difference if you choose brown over white rice, whole grain pasta over regular pasta, yams over red potatoes, etc.?

Research Backing Vitamins For Bodybuilders?

The debate of whether vitamins are worthwhile or not has been going on for decades now. What I'm wondering though is if there has been any studies done for bodybuilders specifically? I mean obviously, our nutritional requirements increase, which *should* mean that vitamins become more important.

Currently, I just take a cheap multi I get from my local supermarket (and split it into two doses since they're not time-released). My problem is that with how hectic my life is (work, kids, etc.), it's hard enough to focus on my macronutrients as far as protein, carbs, and fats, much less the vitamin composition of those foods. Plus, my budget doesn't give me much flexibility in regards to food choices either.

I am considering something a bit more comprehensive, like the types you get that are supposedly formulated for those with more active lifestyles. I'm wondering if getting a more comprehensive vitamin is just going to be a waste of money and if I'm just fine sticking with the vitamin from my local grocery store. Thoughts?

Must see movie Dark waters 2019

Just finished watching it, the title says all, here is the imdb link.

Clenbuterol Hilma Biocare + T3 Hilma Biocare + Liv52 + Ketotifen !

Hy !
I want to try some cycle but I don't know what is ok :
- Clenbuterol Hilma Biocare + Liv52
- Clenbuterol Hilma Biocare + T3 Hilma Biocare + Liv52
- Clenbuterol Hilma Biocare + T3 Hilma Biocare + Liv52 + Ketotifen !

What to chose?
How many days and in what mode to take the pills?
Day 1 ...
Week 1 ....

Thanks for help.
Ps .How you measure your body fat? I use Garmin libra and I have 14% fat on 1.85 m and 83kg

Interesting read if you have time...

How to disable avatar?

Hello i am new user and i would to ask you, How to disable avatar?

Drop in HDL due to arimidex, Any alternative?

5 years in to my competitive bodybuilding Journey and my good cholesterol HDL has never been higher than 36mg/dl. Normally fluctuating between 13 mg/dl to 26mg/dl.

Based on my bloodwork, average every 4 months, I know its the arimidex that drop it down, I tried novadex but still the results stays around 25 mg/dl. I tried not to use ancillary (the cholesterol problem is solved, HDL 44-49mg/dl )but the 17-estradiol rise so much that it screw with brain and I cant cope with that.

My total cholesterol is not hight around 160mg/dl normally, LDL 130mg/dl triglycerides 60 to 80 mg/dl

so normally my T col/HDL is around 7

I have always used Extra Virgin olive oil (I'm italian, I make it), Avocado, nuts (Fat consumption around 100g a day) with 5g of EPA/DHA a day.

DOES anyone knows any way out there to use any ancilliary that can allow my good colesterol HDL to stay higher?

Thank you for taking the time to read it and advise.

9/11: Let us never forget.

Let us never forget.

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Hello from a new member

Just saying hello.

Heaven received a star, my dog died after living with me 10 years.

Heaven received a star, my dog died after living with me 10 years.#RIP

samedi 12 septembre 2020

New here, kinda new with trt

Been using 150 mg./week for a year now. Haven’t felt this good in the gym since I was much younger. I have not experienced any problems at all, but see a lot of discussion regarding blood work. Is this something I should do & what should I be focused on; estrogen? Thanks!

Low test & high deca cycle

Hi all,

Running at the moment:
  • 500mg Test E/Week
  • 0.25 Adex EOD

I was thinking of running a low test ~250-350mg Test E/Week & 900mg Deca/Week.

Have anyone run a similar cycle and have any experience?

Bahrain normalizes ties with Israel

Bahrain is a piss-ant of a country by Arab standards (1/5th the size of the state of Rhode Island and population of <2 million, about half of whom are non-Arab "guest workers") but along with the same move coming from the UAE, and with Serbia recognizing Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel, it's all positive news on the Israeli Front. I find this an especially auspicious announcement because while the UAE is primarily Sunni Muslim, Bahrain is almost entirely Shiite (the winner of each year's Grand Prix of Bahrain F1 race must drink sparking rose water, not champagne). Iran is the ringmaster among the Shiite countries and also is Israel's arch-enemy, so this signals the first of the Shiite coalition breaking ranks with Tehran. The more Tehran is isolated, the better for the region (and by extension, the rest of the world).

Bahrain normalizes ties with Israel

Bahrain and Israel agree to the establishment of full diplomatic relations in an agreement brokered by the US.

US President Donald Trump, King Hamad bin Isa bin Salman al-Khalifa of Bahrain, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday agreed to the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain, the White House said in a statement.

Bahrain thus becomes the second Gulf state to normalize ties with Israel, after the UAE and Israel announced they were normalizing relations on August 13.

The White House statement said that Bahrain has accepted President Trump's invitation to join Israel and the United Arab Emirates at the historic signing ceremony of their peace agreement next week at the White House, where Netanyahu and Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif Al Zayani will be signing a historic Declaration of Peace.

“This is a historic breakthrough to further peace in the Middle East. Opening direct dialogue and ties between these two dynamic societies and advanced economies will continue the positive transformation of the Middle East and increase stability, security, and prosperity in the region,” the statement said....

Deca & Mast?

Since I’m feeling better by the day, I’m working out more - up to 20 pound curls now

Decided to jump on some EOD mast at a fairly low dose - 75mg EOD & cranked my test to 400mg a week

How would mast act with deca? Since I’ll b throwing some deca back in at a 150mg a week here shortly again

Before this, I never really thought of combining the two

McGregor in police custody in Corsica for attempted sexual assault

He's got such a shit reputation now you probably could manage to convince a jury he killed JFK based on circumstantial evidence.

Anyone have any feedback on gorillafarm ?

Just placed an order.

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Getting posts up

Getting those posts up

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New member

Just introducing myself

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Planning to stop cruising

Hi all,

I've been cruising since the end of February after my last cycle and have been thinking of coming off due to COVID etc. I haven't had access to a gym since March and my gains have suffered and I'm just not sure if it's worth continuing to cruise when my natty test levels were good preceding my last cycle - and the rate things are going, I'm probably not going to be cycling again until well into next year. So the plan would be to run a PCT as below and get back into regular training until my next cycle.

Any thoughts?

Cruising dose

120 mg test e PW


Weeks 1-4

Clomid - 75/50/50/50
Nolva - 50/20/20/20

Man’s Best Friend

In honor of you Davi and your faithful companion.

Post them up ladies and gents...

Here’s “Clover”.

Ya, she’s a small dog just don’t tell her that, she think she’s a Rottweiler.

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Trump awards MOH to Delta-Force Ranger who rescued 75 hostages of ISIS

President Donald Trump awarded the Medal of Honor to Sgt. Maj. Thomas “Patrick” Payne on Friday, a Ranger assigned to the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command Delta Force.

Payne led the special operations raid that took place in October 2015 in Northern Iraq, freeing 75 Iraqi citizens from Islamic State terrorists. Twenty-two terrorists were killed in the raid.

He was recognized for courage in the firefight with ISIS fighters and for rushing into a burning building during the raid with a pair of bolt cutters, thence freeing the prisoners inside.

“He wouldn’t leave, no matter what they said. No matter who ordered him to do it, he wouldn’t do it. He was the last one out,” Trump said. “It was one of the largest and most daring rescue missions in American history.”

mardi 18 août 2020

Jon 'Bones' Jones relinquishes LHWT title

The Bloody Elbow is reporting that Bones tweeted he's relinquishing his light heavyweight belt to pursue heavyweight glory. In a separate article, TBE reports that Jones stated he had a "positive conversation" with the UFC about the money for the fight. Jones got butt-hurt just a couple of months ago when Dana White remarked publicly that Jones wanted has asked for "Diante Wilder" money for a heavyweight fight with Francis Ngannou, called White "a fucking liar" (guess he never heard of "hyperbole") and asked to be released from his contract. So apparently Dana has kissed his ass and made up (as I predicted). Or maybe all his lawyers' bills came due at once and he decided he had to fight.

It will be interesting who he'll get first at heavyweight. I'm thinking Rozenstruik would be a good tune-up fight, but there's more money to be made (for both Jones and White) if they go with Nganno or Blaydes. Even Derrick Lewis probably will bring more gate. Rozenstruik jumped two spots (one rung ahead of Lewis) with his win over JDS, and he did bring a much better rounded game against Dos Santos, but I still think Lewis is the better-rounded fighter. Nganno, Lewis and Rozenstruik all three hit people so hard it makes their grandchildren be born bruised, but I see Rozenstruik as the one who's least likely to put Jones in retirement.

More RX refills than pharmacy will let me get

Hey guys, my pharmacist wont allow me to refill my prescription even though ive got lots of refills according to the date that im supposed to be completely out. Ex. 4) refills for a 3mo supply betwen now amd October but they wont let me refill until September, so ill only use 1 refill. Anyone else ran into this and found a way around it? Not sure if its the pharmacy or do they all do it, using walgreens now

Tested my 5,000iu HCG

Been a few years since I've been on here.

Picked up a 10 pack of 5,000iu HCG from what is supposed to be a reputable source on a few boards.

This morning I went to the store and got a few pregnancy test kits (equate brand) and these are the results.
(2 on left tested for HCG. On the right is bac-water only for comparison.)
I expected a much darker line for the HCG, as they are very faint. Has anybody else had good HCG test so lightly as a positive?
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Fertility question

Good morning all,

For some back information I have been on my trt journey for around a year. I have still been fighting to get to a more realistic regimen. I have been through a couple doctors, endos, and on my second Urologist. In the beginning I was not advised that it would affect my fertility. I was told that it could even help. My total and free tests were both significantly low when this all started. My mental health was bad, I spent a lot of time with mental fog, dazed, confused, I gained a ton of weight, and I was depressed. I was the total poster child of low T. I've made my way from 1 shot of .5ml of 100mg/1ml test c per month to finally 50mg test C every 3.5 days. This has been over the course of a year. The last 3 months or so I have been taking 200mgs test c every 2 weeks. I was just switched to the 50mgs every 3.5 days last week. I had my uro prescribe the reusable 10 ml so that I could take it 50mgs every 3.5 days rather 200mgs every 2 weeks.

I have learned a lot from this forum. Enough that I understand the majority of doctors, even endos only know the tip of the ice berg when it comes to trt. I have learned just how wrong the first doctors were about fertility. I now know that exo test can act as a contraceptive for men so I expected my sperm count to be low but unfortunately it came back at zero. My urologist was puzzled. He advised this normally only happened with injury or vasectomy. He then confirmed that I had a child previously, I advised I did. He then asked if I had a vasectomy and I said obviously no. He then told me that they only way I could have another child was In Vitro. I advised that I couldn't afford IV but my insurance should cover treatment with HCG. He advised he did not believe HCG could restart my body making sperm. He believed it could only help if you were making sperm just not enough. I told him well I can't afford IV so I would like to try. I asked him to put my on the highest dose possible. I have read that taking around 1,000 iu of hcg per week has been successful in helping men impregnate their wife's. My question is once I start taking the hcg eod or e2ds along side my trt protocol do you think I have a shot and if so what my chances could be? I would have included a picture of the test result but was given the info over the phone. I haven't received the physical copy yet.

Thank you for your time and advice.

Cycle advise please

Hi All,
So I need some advise on my stack and if I'm doing things correctly in relation to my goal. So my current goal is to shred or cut atm and iv been doing mostly weights with cardio 2 times a week. I'm a male 35 have done a cycle before but am finding that I'm looking abot chubby in the face and don't feel I'm cutting when I look in the mirror (more noticeable in my face). I am on the following
Test e 250 ml pw
Tren e 300 ml pw
Master 500 ml pw
Primo 500 ml pw
T3 60 mg pd
So iv recently been told less is more as some of these things might be abot too much for me and could be aromatising thus causing me to look like I'm not cutting and fatter in the face. What would ppls advise be ??
Please help
Thank you all

Gyno with hgh

I am taking hgh 3 iu(5 days in a week) with my cycle of tren-a 100 mg , teat propionate 100 mg.
I am taking arimidex 1 mg every day. But still i am developing gyno.
Then i start bromicriptine to suppress prolactin levels and it works.
My concern is who is enhancing my prolactine levels.